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Edit Committee Details

Committees are created and added to a workflow step when creating a case, but Unit Administrators and Case Managers can also edit the membership, instructions and document requirements of a committee when editing case review steps.


Edit Committee Details

1. Navigate to Edit Case under Cases

Navigation: Cases > Case Options > Edit Case

  1. Click Cases under Review, Promotion & Tenure (RPT) on the navigation menu.
    Review, Promotion & Tenure
  2. Click the Name of the desired case to edit.
  3. Select Edit Case from the Case Options dropdown menu.
    Case Options dropdown menu with Edit Case selected

2. Edit the desired Case Review Step

  1. Click Case Review Steps under the Creating a Case section on the right-hand side.
    Creating a Case section with Case Review Steps selected
  2. Click Edit adjacent to the case review step that needs to be modified. From here committee members, instructions, required documents/forms, and settings for the committee can be managed.

3. Edit Committee Details

Section Details
Rename Committee Select Edit Name under the Options dropdown to rename the committee. Type in the new name for the committee and click Update when finished.
Manage Members
  1. Select the Manage Members tab under the desired committee under the Reviewers section.
  2. Click Add Members.
    • Click the Star to make a member a Committee Manager.
    • Click the “X” to remove a member.

Note that changes made to the membership of standing committees are temporary unless made from the Users & Groups Management page.

Edit Instructions
  1. Select the Instructions tab under the desired committee under the Reviewers section.
  2. Click Edit Instructions.
Add Required Documents
  1. Select the Required Documents tab under the desired committee under the Reviewers section.
  2. Click Add Required Document.
  3. Type in the requirement Name and Description.
  4. Click Add when finished.

    Note that multiple document requirements can be added.

Add Required Forms
  1. Select the Required Forms tab under the desired committee under the Reviewers section.
  2. Click Add Required Form to add a committee form that must be completed as part of the committee's work.

    Note that all forms added here will then have to be either answered or bypassed by a Unit Administrator or Case Manager to move the case from the step being edited.

Manage Settings
  1. Select the Settings tab under the desired committee under the Reviewers section.
  2. Select whether or not the committee can move the case forward or backward.
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