Read about upcoming product changes, release notes, and Interfolio sponsored events.
In the coming weeks, we are rolling out a change to how the Interfolio logo appears in our product and in emails. We have integrated the Elsevier logo with our Interfolio logo to reflect our updated brand as Interfolio by Elsevier, a change that adds the trusted experience and support of a global leader of information analytics and academic publishi
Updated on: August 3rd, 2023Release Notes
Discover the latest features and improvements in the RPT software with the release notes for version 2024.03.0. Fixed RPT (Fixed): Committee form date not not saving the correct date: Fixed issue happening when committee members would respond to committee forms; saving would not show the correct date entered. Committee members were unable to u
Updated on: March 5th, 2024Release Notes
Discover the latest features and improvements in Lifecycle Management with the release notes for version 2024.03.05. (Added) Set Faculty Start Date Before Hired A user who is creating/editing a faculty appointment via API can now set the appointment start date before the Hire Date noted on the faculty profile. A user who is creating/editing a fac
Updated on: March 5th, 2024Release Notes
Fixed: Improved performance of Profile List search: Searching the Profile List now works as expected. Lifecycle Management Administrators will see faster results when loading the faculty Profile List and entering a search term.
Updated on: March 21st, 2024Release Notes
(LM API Improvement) Show Unique Appointment ID in Export Profile List as CSV: Overview: As a step toward allowing users to update appointment information (including required fields), we now allow LM users (Admins, Viewers, and Managers) to view a previously hidden appointment ID. When the user opens the Faculty List Page, Filters the list, selects
Updated on: May 8th, 2024Release Notes
(Fixed) Slow/Freezing Profile Page (Refactored timeline): Fixed issue causing clients to experience timeouts/load issues when trying to edit an event for a profile. An LM user with access to Faculty Profiles will no longer receive a timeout when editing events, should see a response time of at least 2 seconds, and should be able to navigate through
Updated on: April 18th, 2024Release Notes
(Improved) Increase character limit to 300 characters: We increased the number of characters on the salary field from 100 characters to 300 characters. To align with new pay transparency laws across the country, institutions have to list relevant information in the pay range when they are doing an open rank search. For example: Assistant Professor
Updated on: April 30th, 2024Release Notes
Added: Preview Output of Vita Builder When Entering Initiated Activity Inputs: Users of new Vita Builder templates are now able to preview their data inputs. We have added vitas generated from templates created from Vita Builder to the list of options for preview in Initiated Activity Input. Administrators can now select a new Vita Builder templat
Updated on: August 8th, 2024Release Notes
Improved Professional Journey Visualization: We recently resolved slowness on the Profile Page of Lifecycle Management when editing events. This provided the opportunity to update the look of events and the journey in alignment with our new design of Lifecycle Management.
Updated on: May 8th, 2024Release Notes
Added: Confirmation modal for Bulk Activation of Profiles: Administrators and Unit Managers in Lifecycle Management can activate profiles in bulk. Users will see the ability to activate profiles following the selection of at least one faculty profile. A window shows the status of each Faculty Profile to let the user know if any of the selected Prof
Updated on: February 20th, 2025Release Notes
Added: Updated timestamp on the CSV generated of the case Activity Log: Timestamps now show Eastern Time or ET (depending on the space available) when downloading the activity log CSV for a case in RPT. This improvement allows users to easily understand exactly when actions in the activity log took place. We use the following guidelines for date for
Updated on: May 21st, 2024Release Notes
(Update) Timestamp on Applications Report Export: Fixed issue with timestamps on CSV download of the Applications Report in Faculty Search. The CSV of download of the Applications Report now shows timestamps using these date and time formats: MM/DD/YYY HH:MM AM/PM Eastern Time e.g. 4/29/2024 12:00 PM Eastern Time (Update) Timestamp on Positions R
Updated on: June 4th, 2024Release Notes
(Update) Timestamp on Exported CSV of Case Information Report: The CSV of the Case Information Report now shows timestamps using the correct date and time formats so the user can easily understand exactly when the case opened/closed. In the RPT Reports page, when a user selects a unit and generates a Case Information Report, the timestamps on the C
Updated on: June 5th, 2024Release Notes
(Fixed) Removed Time from Position Start Date in Reports: Fixed issue with timestamp on the Faculty Search Position Start Date incorrectly displaying both date and time. The timestamp now displays only the date because the time is not set by the user and can cause confusion. When an Admin in Faculty Search view the Applications Report and selects Po
Updated on: June 20th, 2024Release Notes
(Updated) Timestamps on Case Information Report: The CSV of the Case Information Report now shows timestamps using the correct date and time formats so the user can easily understand exactly when the case opened/closed. In the RPT Reports page, when a user selects a unit and generates a Case Information Report, the timestamps on the CSV download no
Updated on: June 20th, 2024Release Notes
(Added) Confirmation Window for Bulk Deactivate Profiles: Lifecycle Management Administrators and Unit Managers now have the ability to bulk deactivate profiles. Following the selection of at least one faculty profile, the user will see the ability to deactivate profiles. A window shows the status of each Faculty Profile let the user know if any of
Updated on: June 20th, 2024Release Notes
(Added) Tooltip for date columns in Faculty Search reports: Added a tooltip to date columns in the updated reports for Faculty Search (tooltip also appears in Review, Promotion & Tenure). When viewing the Faculty Search Applications Report, Positions Report, Position Activity Report Log, and RPT Case Activity Log, columns on the report that use
Updated on: July 8th, 2024Release Notes
(Added) Tooltip for date columns in RPT reports: Added a tooltip to date columns in the updated reports for Review, Promotion & Tenure (also appears in Faculty Search). When viewing the RPT Case Activity Log, Committee Form Report (Last Date Submitted), and Case Information Report, columns on the report that use the MM/DD/YYYY date format now d
Updated on: July 3rd, 2024Release Notes
Vita Builder: Clients can show/hide columns in tabular view for custom sections: When faculty members are editing a tabular section and Settings: Table Columns are set to show, they now see the exact columns rendered within the associated vita of the template. Important Notes: Scholarly Citations Display: We do not recommend using the tabular disp
Updated on: August 7th, 2024Release Notes
(Added) Update Appointment Data via Data Loader: We have added a new workflow for appointment management through the data loader, enabling users to either create new appointment records or update existing records. LM Admins can now update a faculty’s appointment information via the data loader. If users try to update appointment information using an
Updated on: August 21st, 2024Release Notes
(Added) Vita Builder: Export to Word: The Export to Word feature is now available in our latest release, enabling seamless data export to Word documents. Users can now export the vitas they create to Microsoft Word. A faculty member generating a vita, can export that vita to Word so they can take advantage of the more flexible Save options and sty
Updated on: September 5th, 2024Release Notes
Lifecycle Management: (Fixed) Formatting issue with option to Send Welcome Message Fixed issue with the Send Welcome Message page, with spacing after an email address causing an error to occur. When an LM Administrator was sending a welcome message from Administration > Users > Select a User > Send Welcome Message, and entered a valid email
Updated on: September 5th, 2024Release Notes
(Fixed) RPT: Existing Ad Hoc Committee members are not being added to step after replacing committee Resolved an issue causing committee members not to transfer over when a committee is replaced by an ad hoc committee. A Unit Administrator reported that she replaced a committee with an ad hoc committee but the members did not transfer over. The inst
Updated on: September 4th, 2024Release Notes
Users can now make activity classifications when accepting recommendations in IDS We've improved the experience of reviewing and accepting recommendations in IDS to allow Faculty Administrators to accept a more complete set of data, including activity classification information. Activity classifications are questions asked by an institution on an
Updated on: October 24th, 2024Release Notes
Fixed: Unit search bar now works correctly for title assignment area: The unit finder/picker in the title assignment section of Users & Groups is now working as intended. If the name of a Unit is typed, the message of "No Institutions Found" no longer appears. Users editing title and role assignments in Users & Groups, can search for and se
Updated on: October 24th, 2024Release Notes
Scopus for all IDS clients Recently, we added Scopus as a data source for all IDS clients. With this upgrade, wherever we're using IDs (e.g., Scopus Author ID or ORCiD) to search for faculty publications, we are now able to extend the searches to recommend publications from current and previous institutions where the faculty member has a single Scop
Updated on: November 14th, 2024Release Notes
Fixed: Issue preventing some Canadian users from entering Province information when completing profile: “Province” can now be selected and saved by Dossier users in Canada when completing their profile in account settings and billing information. We also fixed an issue with the system erroneously requiring Canadian users to enter a ‘State’ when add
Updated on: February 20th, 2025Release Notes
Fixed: Timeout when downloading large data sets: The system will no longer time out when clients request the download of large data sets. Instead, the system will attempt to process the data. If the dataset is larger than our threshold, the CSV will download and will contain a message that says “Please adjust your filters to reduce the number of re
Updated on: November 8th, 2024Release Notes
Fixed: Removed EEO Statement Section for Institutions/Units Without a Statement: Fixed an issue with the application landing page displaying an EEO statement section even when there was no statement provided, and showing the message: "There is no Equal Employment Opportunity Statement available for [Unit]." We removed the EEO statement section enti
Updated on: November 20th, 2024Release Notes
Fixed: “undefined method…" error when attempting to add a Question to an existing Committee Form: When adding a question, users were receiving a Question added confirmation in the bottom right hand corner, but the question was not added and the error message “undefined method `each' for "Other":String” appeared. Now, a Unit or Institutional Administ
Updated on: November 20th, 2024Release Notes
Added chronological sorting in Vita Builder: Activities that are output on vitas generated from VB are sorted by primary and secondary reverse chronological sorting, and we have added the ability to switch to a chronological view. Faculty members and admins generating a vita template can switch the display order to sort chronologically or reverse c
Updated on: December 4th, 2024Release Notes
(Fixed) User titles not showing in user downloaded list: Fixed issue when downloading user list; not all titles would appear for every user who has a title in the downloaded user list from Faculty Search. Now the titles appear as expected on the UI user list when a user has a title. (Fixed) Bullets and numbering on Faculty Search positions: Fixed
Updated on: December 4th, 2024Release Notes
(Fixed) Dossier Canada: Province field not populating: Fixed issue with province field not populating when Canada is selected in step 2 of the user creation flow. Canadian users were unable to enter their province when creating their Dossier profile, as the province field remained empty after selecting Canada. Canadian users can now type in their pr
Updated on: December 4th, 2024Release Notes
Update: Updated Email of Confidential Letter Request to Letter Writers: Updated the automated emails from Faculty Search and Dossier sent to letter writers when a confidential letter request is made. Added the following text to the email template: “The request being made is confidential which means the candidate will not be able to see the content
Updated on: January 6th, 2025Release Notes
Update: Updated Email of Confidential Letter Request to Letter Writers: Updated the automated emails from Faculty Search and Dossier sent to letter writers when a confidential letter request is made. Added the following text to the email template: “The request being made is confidential which means the candidate will not be able to see the content
Updated on: January 6th, 2025Release Notes
Changed mailing address in Dossier: The Interfolio DC office has moved. Please note our new address. New Address: 1150 18th Street NWSuite 250Washington DC 20036
Updated on: January 29th, 2025Release Notes
Vita Builder propagation: When a linked template is created, it is expected to inherit changes from all templates above it in the hierarchy. Some changes are not expected to be inherited. For more information see this article on cloning and creating templates in Vita Builder.
Updated on: February 20th, 2025Release Notes
Added: IDS listings now display the source where IDS originally found a publication recommendation: We have added a “Source” column to IDS listings. Scholars or Administrators viewing the list of recommendations from the ‘Need review’ tab of IDS will see the Original source of the recommendation displayed. A new field called “Source” has been adde
Updated on: February 20th, 2025Release Notes
Enable case initiation from Lifecycle Management Faculty List: Review, Promotion & Tenure Institutional Administrators and Unit Administrators, along with Insitutional Admins and Unit Managers in Lifecycle Management can select candidates from the LM Faculty List and initiate cases for the selected faculty to create cases for faculty members wh
Updated on: February 20th, 2025Release Notes
Added display of Upcoming/Current appointments and appointment statuses on Faculty Profile: Faculty Profiles now show upcoming and current appointments while also showing their status. In the Appointment Information table, we added a new column titled "Status," which will display whether an appointment is "Current" or "Upcoming." This new column
Updated on: February 20th, 2025Release Notes
New Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) statement behavior for positions We’ve introduced new functionality that automatically updates any open, cloned, or newly created positions with the most recent version of the EEO statement for their respective units. This enhancement reduces the manual work of recreating positions to ensure they have the most
Updated on: March 5th, 2025Release Notes
New Lifecycle Management Analytics - visual displays to provide a comprehensive view of faculty roster analytics in Lifecycle Management: We’ve added a new navigation item for Institutional Administrators in Lifecycle Management that gives them access to LM Analytics where they can view graphic displays of faculty data allowing them to see where da
Updated on: March 4th, 2025Announcements
The upcoming academic workflow levels improvement in Interfolio Review, Promotion & Tenure will give your institution a new, much easier way to manage administrative access to cases for many users at once. Academic levels will allow you to manage who can administer cases, at individual case review steps, based on unit hierarchy instead of by use
Updated on: September 1st, 2022Announcements
What is the “zero-day” software security vulnerability associated with Log4J? You may have heard about the recently disclosed “zero-day” security vulnerability in Apache's very popular Java logging framework Log4J. Zero-day vulnerabilities are security vulnerabilities that are known to be actively exploited in the wild before the vulnerability has b
Updated on: January 17th, 2025Announcements
We are pleased to release Private Positions in Interfolio Faculty Search. This feature will enable you to set up an open position and accept applications for it, but not display it in your public-facing list of positions. When creating a position, users are now asked to indicate the Advertising Setting for the position, to set if the position will b
Updated on: January 17th, 2025Announcements
Building a diverse faculty but not sure how it’s going? Knowing whether you’re on track to meet your institution’s EEO and diversity goals is easier than ever with Interfolio’s new diversity reporting options. The upcoming Advanced EEO/Diversity Reporting feature in Interfolio’s Faculty Search module will allow users at your institution with EEO per
Updated on: January 12th, 2023Announcements
Interfolio is upgrading its SFTP service and will be sunsetting the older service on January 16, 2023. If your institution populates the Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR, Faculty180) or Review, Promotion & Tenure (RPT) modules with base, profile, or activity data via autoload or in collaboration with the Technical Services Team, then you may be r
Updated on: January 17th, 2025Announcements
FAR can now capture rich text and select special characters natively in the titles and descriptions of Scholarly Contributions and Creative Productions (SCCP) activity records. Why did we make this improvement? Until recently the FAR module did not directly support rich text or special characters in the titles or descriptions of SCCP activity rec
Updated on: November 28th, 2022Announcements
The upcoming “View Only” role in Interfolio Lifecycle Management (LM) will allow Institutional Administrators (IA) to give view-only permissions to users at the unit level. This will create greater transparency while allowing for editorial oversight. About the View Only User Role by Unit What is changing? Currently in Lifecycle Management (LM), al
Updated on: December 16th, 2022Setup
Administrators can create and edit drafts of vita templates, which can be published for faculty use when ready. Draft templates are unavailable to faculty until published. This article explains the draft and publish feature. For a complete explanation of the new process of drafting, saving, and publishing templates see our article on how to Create
Updated on: February 26th, 2025Announcements
In the coming weeks, we are rolling out a change to how the Interfolio logo appears in our product and in emails. We have integrated the Elsevier logo with our Interfolio logo to reflect our updated brand as Interfolio by Elsevier, a change that adds the trusted experience and support of a global leader of information analytics and academic publishi
Updated on: August 3rd, 2023Announcements
Clarivate announced that they are deprecating the Web of Science (WoS) SOAP APIs and moving to REST APIs. The Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR, Faculty180) integration with WoS will now point toward the new REST APIs so that searches and imports from WoS can continue in FAR with no interruption. Due to the recent changes from Clarivate (below), o
Updated on: January 17th, 2025Announcements
(Fixed): Confusing language on Case Creation error message: Clarified language for modernized case creation error when creating a new case or cases. If any selected candidates do NOT have an account in FAR, but the template being used for the case calls for a Faculty180 vita, the administrator will see the following error message: “We are unable t
Updated on: November 27th, 2023Announcements
The Interfolio Client Community Portal The Interfolio Client Community is a space for our system and institutional administrators to: View and manage cases submitted by your institution. Access details about known issues. Explore and upvote/downvote client-submitted product ideas. Stay informed about our product roadmap. Access the Client Comm
Updated on: March 3rd, 2025Announcements
We are excited to announce that Interfolio has migrated our support system to Elsevier’s platform. This transition took effect on January 21, 2025. Changes to our Support Lines Our support team has a new phone number and email for all institutional support. Please use these lines to reach out to us for support or to open a ticket. Support for pers
Updated on: February 27th, 2025Announcements
We are excited to announce that we are implementing Cloudflare WAF to continue improving the security of our systems. Cloudflare WAF protects against the OWASP Top 10 threats, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting, credential stuffing attacks, and malware in uploaded files. This change will happen on January 21, 2025, and will not require do
Updated on: December 12th, 2024