Effective January 21st, 2025: Interfolio’s phone number and email for institutional support are changing. View more details.

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Changes to Interfolio Support and Client Community

We are excited to announce that Interfolio has migrated our support system to Elsevier’s platform. This transition took effect on January 21, 2025.


Changes to our Support Lines

Our support team has a new phone number and email for all institutional support. Please use these lines to reach out to us for support or to open a ticket. Support for personal Dossier users has not changed.

Institutional Support Dossier Support

Support for our FIS modules (Faculty Search, RPT, Lifecycle Management, Faculty Activity Reporting, or Web Profiles)


Phone: +1 833-844-2118

Email: Interfolio-support@elsevier.com

Support for your private, personal Dossier account will remain the same. 



Phone: (877) 997-8807

Email: help@interfolio.com

Existing Tickets

If you had open tickets with us that were created before January 19, 2025, you should have received an email from our new ticketing system regarding that ticket. Be sure you only respond to that email moving forward.

Responding to old emails related to the ticket will not be routed to the correct support team and may delay response time.


Client Community

The Interfolio Client Community is only available for Institutional and Software Administrators. If you do not have access and believe you should, please reach out directly to your Account Manager, Customer Success Manager, or Project Manager. 


Our client community portal has been relaunched on a new site with a few exciting new features. If you had access to our old Client Community, your account has already been recreated in the new portal. 
Exciting new features of the portal include:

  • Enhanced visibility into known issues, with the option to follow updates.
  • A platform to feature, upvote, or downvote ideas shared by other clients.




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