Effective January 21st, 2025: Interfolio’s phone number and email for institutional support are changing. View more details.

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Welcome to the Interfolio Client Community!

The Interfolio Client Community Portal 

The Interfolio Client Community is a space for our system and institutional administrators to:

  • View and manage cases submitted by your institution.
  • Access details about known issues.
  • Explore and upvote/downvote client-submitted product ideas.
  • Stay informed about our product roadmap. 


Access the Client Community 

The Interfolio client community is reserved for our System and Institional Administrators. If you do not have access and believe you should, contact your Customer Success or Account Manager. 


How to Log In:

  1. Go to https://psp.elsevier.com/productsupportportal/s/login and click Sign In.
  2. On the next page, input your email address and select Continue.
  3. Enter your name and create a password. 
  4. Select Continue
  5. You are now logged into the Elsevier Client Community. 
  6. If the landing page you see says “Elsevier Client Community Portal,” click the button Select Product, then select Interfolio to navigate to the Interfolio-specific Client Community.

Why am I unable to log in?

Please note that the client community is invite-only. If you have not received an invite in your email, reach out to your CSM or AM. 


If you're getting stuck on the log in page, please try the following:

  • You must sign in using the email that your invite was sent to
  • Try clearing cache and cookies or registering using an incognito window

If you are still unable to log in, please reach out to our support team at interfolio-support@elsevier.com



Product Ideas

The Client Community Portal allows clients to not only see all documented feature ideas submitted by other clients, but also vote on them for prioritization. 

Browse and Filter Ideas

  1.  Select the Ideas tile from the Client Community homepage
  2. Select Upvote Ideas
  3. Adjust the filters on the left-hand side of the screen to filter ideas by product area

Search for Ideas Using Keywords

  1. Use the search feature at the top of the site to search for ideas. 
  2. After typing in your keywords, you'll need to filter to Ideas and then category > Interfolio to narrow the results specifically to Interfolio ideas. 


Up/Down Vote Ideas

  1.  Select the Ideas tile from the Client Community homepage
  2.  Select Upvote Ideas
  3.  Select an idea to view more information and vote on the idea.
  4.  On the specific idea page, you'll see a description of the idea, the status, and updates.
    1. Select Follow to receive updates regarding this idea. 
    2. Select upvote if you agree with the submitted idea.
    3. Select downvote if you disagree with developing this idea.

Click here to learn more about how Ideas get submitted.



Submit and Manage Tickets

Submit, view, and manage all tickets submitted at your institution.

Submit a Ticket

To submit a case within our Client Community:

  1. Select the blue Submit a Case button
  2.  Indicate the type of case you are submitting. Most cases will fall under the default type, Support/Question.
  3.  Provide a description, severity level, and any file attachments. 
  4. Select Interfolio for the product, then select the Interfolio product area and component.
  5. You may use the Product URL field to indicate the specific page you need support with. 

Manage Tickets at Your Institution

You will still be able find and manage all open and closed tickets created at your institution through the client community portal. 

Please note that historical, closed tickets will be migrated in batches after our January go-live date. 


The view and manage cases:

  1. Select My Cases on the homepage
  2. Select the list of cases to view (Open, Closed, etc.)
  3. Use the sorting options to organize the list of cases.
  4. Select a case number or subject line to view details about the case
  5. On the case page, you can view or add updates, attachments, follow, and close the case.




Known Issues

Our Known Issues page highlights critical system issues that affect multiple clients and hinder users from completing essential tasks. “Follow” issues on this page to stay informed about updates and status changes.

View and Follow Known Issues

Follow known issues and report if any are affecting your Interfolio instance. Either action will send you notifications whenever there’s an update on the issue, keeping you in the loop every step of the way. 

View, Follow, and Report Known Issues

  1. Select the Known Issues tile from the Client Community homepage
  2.  On the next page you will see a list of the most recently created and highest reported known issues.  Select an issue from one of those lists, or select View All Issues to see the full list.
  3.  Once you are on the page for a specific issue, you will be able to view:
    1. a summary
    2. steps to reproduct
    3. a workaround
    4. updates
  4. To receive notifications about updates posted on this issue, select Follow.
  5. To report that issue is impacting your Interfolio instance, select Report.
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