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Faculty Activity Reporting: Vita Builder Bulk Export

Vita Builder Bulk Exports

Vitas generated using a New Vita Builder template can now be exported individually or in bulk. For more information, see our article on exporting Standard Vita Reports.


Administrators often solicit data input from faculty using Initiated Activity Input periods. These processes often require using a feature of our Standard Vitas report that allows vitas to be exported in bulk for review and documentation.


Only legacy vitas were able to be selected in the Standard Vitas report. Vitas generated from our New Vita Builder could not be included in Standard Vitas Report, which meant they could not use the mechanism for exporting vitas in bulk.


Templates generated from our New Vita Builder show up in the dropdown and can be selected on the Standard Vitas Reports page.

When a user selects a template generated from Vita Builder, they can export the vitas generated from that template individually or create a bulk export of all the faculty in the selected units.

The Standard Vitas Report now generates asynchronously and the user will be notified via email when their report is ready.


Please note that export files of very large data quantities (several hundred CVs or more) could take as long as 3-4 days to process. When you submit an export request, you will receive a confirmation email. Once your export is ready for retrieval, you will receive an email notification that the export is available on your Interfolio home page.



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