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Faculty Reporting, Vita Builder & IDS Release Notes 2023.05.23

This a record of changes in the most recent release of interfolio's Vita Builder and Interfolio Data Service


Added: Draft & Publish Institutional Vita Builder Templates: 

Administrators are now able to create and edit drafts of vita templates. When a draft of a vita template is published, it becomes available for faculty to use in the unit in which it is created.

  • Administrators can create templates & save them as a draft
  • Administrators can publish saved drafts

  • The version history of the template is available in an audit log

Faculty will also see a change in the workflow for editing, renaming, and archiving vitas, and creating personal templates:

  • Personal Templates are created from the My Templates page. 
  • Vita can be edited, renamed, and archived by selecting them in the list of vitas on the faculty member's Vitas page. 


Added: Vita Builder Bulk Restore: 

Vita Builder users can now select and restore multiple vitas at one time from the vita listing page while on the archived tab. When the operation is successful a message will appear confirming the action. When restoring a vita from the archived tab:

  • We now show a message:
    • Headline: Restore Vita
    • Message: Are you sure you want to restore [X] selected vita(s)? Selected vita(s) will be moved under the “Name_Vitas” tab and available to use.

    • Restore/Cancel
  • Users can delete a vita (only one at a time) from the archived tab

  • When trying to bulk delete, the delete button is grayed out and the user cannot bulk delete

  • When deleting just one vita, the user gets a modal asking if they are sure they want to do this

Added: Template Listing page Toolbar updates when restoring Templates:  

  • We added a table toolbar with the following options: “Restore”, “Delete.” 
    • When the tenant chooses to restore the template we display the message: “Are you sure you want to restore # selected template(s)? Selected template(s) will be moved under the “Templates” tab.”  
    • The Delete Button is enabled when ONE template is selected. Delete is only enabled when exactly one template is selected.  

Fixed: When accepting records, Interfolio Data Service is now deduplicating coauthors as expected:  

Fixed issue with duplicate coauthors not duplicating the coauthors on the accepted record when accepting IDS records. Now, when a faculty member with suggested IDS records has duplicate coauthors, these coauthors are deduplicated on the accepted record. 


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