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Faculty Search Release Notes: 2024.04.16

(Improved) Increase character limit to 300 characters: 

We increased the number of characters on the salary field from 100 characters to 300 characters. To align with new pay transparency laws across the country, institutions have to list relevant information in the pay range when they are doing an open rank search. 

For example: Assistant Professor: $100,000-115,000 / Associate Professor: $115,000-140,000 / Professor: $150,000-200,000

  • Institutional Admins in the Administration section of Faculty Search can input a string of characters up to 300 characters into the Salary field.
  • Developers at an institution, who query the Salary field of my tenant’s positions via API can determine whether the Salary field is blank.
  • If a position has been created and approved with a blank salary field (assuming the setting to make salary required is not activated) when the job posting is viewed, then no salary field will display.
  • When the setting to require a salary is toggled, and when a position is being created and the salary field is blank, the user sees an error informing them that the position can not be sent for approval with a blank salary field.
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