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Faculty Search Release Notes 2024.10.22

Fixed: Unit search bar now works correctly for title assignment area: 

The unit finder/picker in the title assignment section of Users & Groups is now working as intended. If the name of a Unit is typed, the message of "No Institutions Found" no longer appears. Users editing title and role assignments in Users & Groups, can search for and select a unit by typing it into the search bar or using the drop-down menu.

Added: Institution picker to existing dashboards:  

We have added an Institution picker field to all existing Faculty Search dashboards. This allows institutions to filter data based on the tenants they can access. This enhancement will improve the user’s ability to analyze data and make informed decisions based on the tenants associated with their institution.


  • The Institution picker field appears at the top of all existing filters available on dashboards.
  • The picker has a dropdown list populated with all tenants to which the user has access.
  • Upon selecting a tenant from the picker, the dashboard automatically refreshes to display only the data relevant to the selected tenant(s).
  • The default state of the picker is set to just one tenant.
  • The picker only displays tenants the logged-in user has permission to access.
  • Users will not see institutions to which they do not have access in the dropdown.
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