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Lifecycle Management Release Notes 2023.12.19

(Added) Allow appointments to be created that do not have any remaining events within their rank:

We now allow faculty loads to be accepted even if the faculty member has no remaining events left. Before this change LM users were unable to load a faculty member into the module by file load or through the UI if there were no remaining events left in the faculty member’s current rank timeline. Now, when uploading an appointment via data loader or through the UI, a user no longer receives an error stating that there are no more remaining events on the timeline. Regardless of how many events are on the journey, the system will upload all events that are included in the series in the year in which they should have occurred.

(Added) Created endpoint for starting upcoming events in bulk:

When an Integrated user (calling API, Postman etc) sends an array of Profile ID’s and the user has access to all Profile ID’s, then the next upcoming event for these Profiles should be changed to a “Current” status.  

When an Integrated user (calling API, Postman etc) sends an array of Profile ID’s and the user does not have access to some Profile ID’s, then the next upcoming event for the Profiles the user has access to should be changed to a “Current” status and the Profile ID’s the user does not have access to should generate a message that is returned by the service object. The message should read, “Profile %{profile_info} could not start upcoming event because you do not have permission to manage that faculty profile” for every profile the user doens’t have access to.

When an Integrated user (calling API, Postman etc) sends an array of Profile ID’s and the user has access to all Profile ID’s but some Profile ID’s do not have an upcoming event then the service object should generate a message that is returned. The message should read, “Profile %{profile_info} could not start upcoming event because you there are no upcoming events” for every profile that doesn’t have an upcoming event to start.

When an Integrated user (calling API, Postman etc) sends an array of Profile ID’s and the user has no access to all Profile ID’s, then none the next upcoming event for these Profiles should be changed to a “Current” status and an error message should be returned for every Profile ID sent. “you do not have access to these profiles”

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