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Lifecyle Management Release Notes 2024.01.16

(Added): Start Event for Faculty in Bulk: 

LM Unit Managers and Administrators can now start the an upcoming event for more or more faculty members by selecting names on the Faculty List. To reduce the effort needed in entering and managing data in Lifecycle Management, we are developing features to allow users to manage events in bulk so they can make changes to multiple events with a single action from the Faculty List.


(Added): A new modal notifies users when any selected Profiles don’t have upcoming events to start:

When LM Unit Managers or Administrators select Faculty Profiles and the click the Start Event button, they can select single or multiple profiles to start upcoming events in bulk, and if all selected have valid events that can be started, the user will receive a modal informing them of what they are about to do.  

  • If some selected multiple profiles have valid upcoming events that can be started, a modal informing them which profiles do not have upcoming events to start with the option to start the profiles that do have valid events to start.
  • If no selected have valid events that can be started, the user sees a modal informing them which profiles do not have upcoming events to start with an option to return back to the faculty list.
  • If the user selects a single profile to start the upcoming event, and there isn’t a valid upcoming event, they are given the option to navigate to that profile.
  • After initiating cases in bulk, users receive a toast message confirming they have started events

(Added): "Modify Events" option into the Actions Menu:

Admins or unit manager in LM viewing the Faculty List now see the option to Modify Events events with the option to start events. If they do not select any profiles, the option to Modify Events will not be available. In this case, users see a message indicating they must select profiles. 

(Added): “Reason” column to CSV Export:

When users export a Faculty List via CSV, they will now see the Reason for exception events.

  • When an LM Admin exports a list of selected faculty members from the faculty list they see a column labeled “Reason”.
  • When exporting a list of selected faculty members from the faculty list, the reason column is populated based on the reason field of Exception events.
  • When the user exports a list of selected faculty members (to whom they have access) from the faculty list, they see a column labeled “Reason.”
  • When the user exports a list of selected faculty members (to whom they have access) from the faculty list, the reason column will be populated based on the reason field of Exception events.





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