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Save and Publish a Draft of an Institutional Vita Template

Administrators can create and edit drafts of vita templates, which can be published for faculty use when ready. Draft templates are unavailable to faculty until published. This article explains the draft and publish feature.


For a complete explanation of the new process of drafting, saving, and publishing templates see our article on how to Create Institutional Vita Templates.


Save and Publish a Draft of an Institutional Vita Template

  1. Navigate to the Setup page and click Institutional Vita Templates under the Configuration section.
    Institutional Vita Templates selected under Configuration on the Administrative Setup page
  2. The Institutional Vita Templates page will display where you can view all Institutional Vita Templates, including both Published and Draft templates.
    List of institutional vitas with the status column showing Published or Draft
  3. Click the hyperlinked Template Name to navigate to that template's page where you can click Publish Template at the top of the page to publish the Draft version of the Institutional template.
    Publish Template button selected
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