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Add a Required Form to the Packet Requirements for a Case

Unit Administrators in Review, Promotion & Tenure (RPT) can add forms for candidates to complete as part of their packet. Each packet section can have its own due date, allowing forms to be due at various stages of the review. Form requirements are typically set from the Packet Requirements screen when creating a template or creating a case. The instructions below explain how to add and edit form requirements when editing packet requirements for a particular case.


Note that adding a form to the packet and creating forms are two different processes. A form must be created in the program before it will be available to add to the case.


For information on adding forms for your reviewers, check out these articles About Committee Forms, their Use Cases, and how to Create/Manage them.


Add Required Form

  1. Navigate to the Cases page and click the Name of the applicable candidate to navigate to the New Candidate page.
  2. Select Edit Case from the Case Options dropdown in the upper right-hand corner.
    Case Options dropdown with Edit Case selected

    If it is desired that a form be submitted by a particular date, it must be in a section with the appropriate due date. A new packet section in which to add the form and set the date due for the packet section may need to be created.

  3. Navigate to the Candidate Requirements page.
    Creating a Case section with Candidate Requirements selected
  4. Scroll down to the Packet Requirements section and click +Add Requirement.

    You can also click +Add Section from this page to add a new section. The description can be formatted and links can be included that will appear to the candidate when uploading materials to the section.

  5. Fill out the Add Requirement window and click Save when finished.


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