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Close (and Reopen) or Delete a Case

Unit Administrators and Case Managers can close cases in Interfolio Review, Promotion & Tenure (RPT) from either the case list or the individual case page of a candidate. When a case reaches the final step, a Close Case button will appear on the Case page. After closing the case a final status or decision will need to be applied to the case. It is also possible to select Close a Case from the More Options menu at the top right of the Case page. The article below provides instructions for closing cases in Interfolio RPT. 


From the case list, Unit Administrators or Case Managers can close more than one case at a time if the cases share the same final status or the same final status is desired to be assigned. Note that candidates can still view/access closed cases.


Close/Reopen Cases


  1. Navigate to the Cases page and click the hyperlinked Name of the applicable candidate's case.
  2. Click Close Case from the Case Options dropdown menu.
    Close Case selected under the Case Options dropdown
    • If the case is closed, the Reopen Case option will appear.
  3. Select a Decision (status) from the dropdown menu that reflects the final phase of this case before closing.
    • Click Add Custom Status by scrolling down to the bottom to create a new custom status.

In Bulk

  1. Navigate to the Cases page and select the checkboxes next to the applicable candidate cases.
  2. Click the Close Cases button on the toolbar that appears at the top of the page when cases are selected.
    • If the case is closed, the Reopen option will appear.
  3. Select a Decision (status) from the dropdown menu that reflects the final phase of these cases.
    • Click Add Custom Status by scrolling down to the bottom to create a new custom status.

When cases are closed they will no longer appear in the list of active cases.


View and Delete Closed Cases

Only Institutional Administrators can delete a closed case. Access to closed cases is limited to Institutional Administrators, Unit Administrators, and Case Managers.

  1. To view closed cases, navigate to the Cases page and click Filter above the list of cases to open up the Filters display on the right. Select Closed and unselect Active under the Active or Closed section to filter the list to display closed cases.
  2. Select the checkboxes adjacent to the applicable case(s) to delete, then click Delete in the menu bar that appears at the top when cases are selected.
    Cases section with Reopen button at the top

Deleted cases cannot be retrieved or re-opened. Deleting a case is not a reversible action such as archiving a case, where the case can easily be unarchived.



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