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Re-use Packet Materials in Current or Upcoming Reviews

Candidates up for review can import and reuse materials from past Interfolio Review, Promotion & Tenure (RPT) packets when assembling a packet for a current or upcoming review. When up for an important review (like tenure, or promotion to full professor), materials that have previously been submitted for routine reviews, such as annual reviews, can be easily added. This can save hours of tedious redundant work, and cut down on potential errors when assembling packets.


Unit Administrators or Case Managers can add materials from previous reviews. Interfolio has added the ability for authorized institutional users to pre-populate a candidate's case with suggested materials pulled from that candidate's past cases. At the same time, the platform gives the candidate the option to accept, edit, or remove those suggested materials.


Reuse Materials in Reviews

  1. Navigate to Your Packets from the navigation menu. Then click the Name of the desired packet to use.

    If Your Packets are not showing up in the navigation bar, switch accounts using the menu at the top right, as you may be on the Dossier page.

  2. Select the Packet tab and expand the desired section using the down arrow, then click the Add button.

    Previously completed packets are also available for review on this page page under the Completed section.

  3. Select the Packets tab on the window that appears.
  4. Click the applicable Packet name and then check the boxes next to the desired documents to add to this review. Click +Add when finished.

     Documents are generally ordered based on the upload sequence.


    You can upload an entire folder to a packet, but each file will appear individually. Note that checking the box for All documents in this review in a single PDF can save users time.



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