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Overview of Support Ticket Lifecycle and Best Practices

When a support ticket is submitted to the Scholar Services team, it will be triaged, assigned, and investigated by a member of the team. Including as much information as possible in the submitted ticket will help Scholar Services to quickly identify the issue and respond with answers as quickly as possible. This article will cover the lifecycle of a support ticket and best practices for ticket creation.


Best Practices

Sharing as much information as possible with the Scholar Services team can help the team determine what the problem is and reach a resolution as quickly as possible. Some of the most helpful information to the team is:

  • Is the issue impacting multiple people, or specific to one account?
  • What are the names/email addresses for those reporting the problem?
  • What was the expected behavior, and what happened instead?
  • What (if any) error messages appeared?
  • What screen was the user on (or attempting to navigate to) when the issue began?
  • What is the URL of the page?
  • In Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR, Faculty180), what database is impacted (production, sandbox, other)?
  • Is the issue occurring in a specific browser (Firefox, Chrome, other)?
  • Did the issue begin at a certain time? Was it working as intended previously?
  • Is it ongoing, or intermittent?
  • Does the issue need to be resolved in time for a specific deadline?

If possible, please provide any attachments (screenshots, videos, downloads) to help demonstrate the issue. Screenshots/screen recordings should show the entire screen, including the URL bar, in order to provide Scholar Services with the most information for their investigation.


Ticket Lifecycle

Status Description
New This is the first step for any submitted support ticket. At this stage, Interfolio is reviewing the issue to determine priority and severity.
Open Once the ticket has been reviewed, it will be assigned to a member of Scholar Services or Tech Services to investigate. When the ticket moves to Open, it means that the ticket has been assigned and is being looked into.
Pending If the team member assigned to the ticket has reached out for more information, the ticket will have a Pending status until a response is received, at which point the ticket will move back to Open.
Awaiting Client Verification If the Tech Services team member has completed the task or resolved the issue, the ticket will have a status of Awaiting Client Verification.
Awaiting More Information If the Tech Services team member assigned to the ticket has reached out for more information, the ticket will have a status of Awaiting More Information until a response is received, at which point the ticket will move to Response Needed.
Response Needed When the ticket moves to Response Needed, it means that Technical Services will respond as soon as possible.
Under Investigation If a bug is identified, Scholar or Tech Services will report the problem to Interfolio's development team. A ticket with this status has been assigned to engineering for testing, assessment, and determination of possible solutions.
In Development Once the development team has assessed and prioritized the issue, they will assign the ticket to an engineering team member to investigate and resolve. A ticket in development has been assigned and is actively being worked.
Scheduled for Release As the ticket is being worked on, it will be assigned to a Sprint (a set period of time during which specific work is completed). A ticket with this status has been assigned to an upcoming sprint and indicates that development work is nearing completion.
Closed Once the issue has been resolved, a ticket will move to a Closed status. For general support questions, this means that Tech or Scholar Services has answered the question and the issue being encountered has been resolved. For bug tickets, this means that engineering has released a fix for the problem and the defect should no longer be occurring.
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