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What Does Interfolio do with my Feature Request?

Our roadmapping framework involves committing our product development resources to specific improvements in three-month program increments (PIs) while also retaining a clear longer-term vision for where we want to take the platform. This allows our collective Interfolio teams to provide more accurate forecasting for our clients, as well as give you a clearer sense, at any given time, of the relative importance of each roadmap item and its time criticality.

We strongly value your input on the products and roadmap. We are excited to be launching a new Product Ideas page within our new Client Community Portal in Q1 2025 where you can review, follow, and vote on the most valuable ideas submitted. We will use your feedback as we create our roadmap to deliver our high-level vision and desired outcomes over one to two years (beyond the current three-month committed work).


For more information, check out our article on how to navigate our New Client Community.



How do I get an idea submitted?

To get an idea submitted for the community, you must first submit a Support Case as a Feature Request. Go to create a new case, choose “Feature Request” as the type, and provide as much detail as you can. These cases will be reviewed by our team before they are posted to the community to be voted on by others.  

Before you submit a case, always search our Idea Community to see if your idea exists. If it does, upvote the idea to show your support. You can also follow the idea to get the latest updates on the feature. 


How does voting work? 

You can vote on ideas all year long using the “thumbs up” and “thumbs down” buttons. Each vote is worth 10 points. Upvotes add 10 points to an idea, while downvotes remove 10 points from an idea. If more users downvote an idea than upvote it, a negative score will display. The points from your votes help us keep track of the most popular ideas. You may vote for as many ideas as you want, but you can only cast one vote per idea. If you change your mind, you can change or remove your vote. 


What do the idea statuses mean? 

Elsevier product managers update the status of an idea to communicate with you about where the idea stands. An idea will be assigned one of the following primary statuses: “Open”, "In Development", “Delivered” or “Archived” and a secondary status, listed below. 

Status Type Meaning Example Statuses
Open The idea is active.
  • Submitted: This is the default status for all ideas.
  • Not Planned: This idea is viable but is not being considered for the roadmap within the year.
  • Up for Prioritization: This idea has been selected for Prioritization in the current quarter. This status is used when Prioritization opens.
  • On Roadmap: This idea has been added to the product roadmap, with delivery expected within the current cycle.
  • More Information Required: This idea is vague and requires more information from the user who posted it. 
In Development Active development has begun.
  • Building: This idea is currently being developed
  • Beta Testing: This idea is currently in testing.
Delivered Confirms the idea has been successfully brought to market.
  • Complete: This idea as written has been released.
  • Partial: Some elements of this idea have been released. 
Archived The idea is not active.
  • Never: This idea will not be considered in the future.
  • Merged: This idea has been merged with another idea.
  • Low Activity: This idea did not have enough engagement to keep it active.
  • Bug or Support Issue: This idea was part of a support issue and will not be considered in the future.
  • Retired Product or Feature: This idea is for a discontinued product or feature. 
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