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Create External Evaluation Requests in FS or RPT via the API

You can use our APIs to create external evaluation requests in FS or RPT.


Create External Evaluation Requests in FS or RPT via the API

Faculty Search

For FS, the main endpoint you will use to create external evaluation requests is the committee_evaluations#create endpoint. This endpoint requires a "position_id" and "application_id". You can find the ID of a position that you want to use by calling the v2#positions#filter endpoint. The API will respond with a paginated results set containing the positions at your institution. Each position object will have an "id" attribute that represents "position_id".


Fetches position list:

POST => https://logic.interfolio.com/byc-search/v2/{tenant_id}/positions/filter

You can look up the applications for that position by calling the applications#index endpoint. The API will respond with a list of applications for the given "position_id". Each application object will have an "id" attribute that represents "application_id".


Fetches application list for the given position:

GET => https://logic.interfolio.com/byc-search/{tenant_id}/positions/{position_id}/applications

You can then use the "position_id" and "application_id" values to call the committee_evaluations#create endpoint. This endpoint allows you to perform a bulk operation by including one or more instances of writer information in the "committee_evaluations" array of the payload that you pass. You can optionally include a custom "subject" and "requester_note" in the email notification sent to the writer, set a "due" date, or attach other application media as supporting materials to the request.


Creates one or more committee evaluation requests for the given writer's information:

POST => https://logic.interfolio.com/byc-tenure/{tenant_id}/positions/{position_id}/applications/{application_id}/committee_evaluations
JSON payload:
 "committee_evaluations": [
 "writer_email": "example1@interfolio.com",
 "writer_first_name": "Example",
 "writer_last_name": "Writer1"
 "writer_email": "example2@interfolio.com",
 "writer_first_name": "Example",
 "writer_last_name": "Writer2"


For RPT, the main endpoint you will use to create external evaluation requests is the committee_evaluations#create endpoint. This endpoint requires an "applicant_id" and a "section_id". First, you will need to find the ID of a packet that you want to use by calling the packets#index endpoint or the packets#index#archived endpoint. These endpoints will return a list of packets at your institution. Each packet object will have an "id" attribute that represents "packet_id".


Fetches packets list:

GET => https://logic.interfolio.com/byc-tenure/{tenant_id}/packets

You can then use the "packet_id" to call the v2#packets#slim endpoint. This endpoint utilizes the query parameter "include[]" to determine what additional data to return for the packet. Here, you will use "include[]=material_sections" to fetch section and document data in addition to the basic packet data. The API will return the packet object for the given packet, including "applicant_id" and packet sections nodes. The packet section objects are contained in the nodes "requirement_sections", "internal_sections", and "applicant_sections". You can create external evaluation requests for any section contained in the "internal_sections" node. This node will contain section objects that have an "id" that represents "packet_section_id".


Fetches slim packet presentation with material sections included:

GET => https://logic.interfolio.com/byc-tenure/v2/{tenant_id}/packets/{packet_id}/slim?include[]=material_sections

You can then use the "applicant_id" and "section_id" values to call the committee_evaluations#create endpoint. This endpoint allows you to perform a bulk operation by including one or more instances of writer information in the "committee_evaluations" array of the payload that you pass. You can optionally include a custom "subject" and "requester_note" to the email notification sent to the writer, set an "access_level" for the new documents ("1": everyone, "2": committee managers and administrators, or "3": administrators only), set a custom "title", set a "due" date, or attach other packet media as supporting materials to the request.


Creates one or more committee evaluation requests for the given writer information:

POST => https://logic.interfolio.com/byc-tenure/{tenant_id}/applicants/{applicant_id}/committee_evaluations
JSON payload:
 "packet_section_id": {internal_section_id},
 "committee_evaluations": [
 "writer_email": "example1@interfolio.com",
 "writer_first_name": "Example",
 "writer_last_name": "Writer1"
 "writer_email": "example2@interfolio.com",
 "writer_first_name": "Example",
 "writer_last_name": "Writer2"
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