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View and Respond to Files Shared by a Committee (Rebuttal)

The committee reviewing a case has the option to provide the candidate with files to examine. They can permit the candidate to respond to these files in writing, specifying a deadline for the response. The most common scenario is when the committee has reached a decision regarding the candidate and gives the candidate the opportunity to respond. However, there are situations where committee members or administrative staff may need the candidate to review materials from the case packet.


Whenever files are shared, the recipient will receive an email message prompting them to log into their account to view the files.


View and Respond to Files Shared by Committee

  1. Click the View Files button in the email.
    View Files button within email
  2. Log into the account.
  3. View shared files on the My Tasks or the Your Packets page by following the steps in the table below.
Page Options Steps
My Tasks Click the hyperlinked Name of the files that have been shared under My Tasks.
Files have been shared with you link
Your Packets
  1. Click Your Packets on the navigation bar.
    Your Packets selected under the Home button
  2. Click the hyperlinked Name of the desired packet to view files within.
  3. Click the Shared Committee Files tab.
    Shared Committee Files tab selected

4. The shared files will be listed. To download the materials, click Download. Alternatively, click Copy to Dossier to transfer them to your Dossier, where they will be included with other Dossier materials.

5. Click the Name of the desired file to respond to.

6. Click Send Response to respond to the file. This will only appear if permissions have been turned on. A due date will then appear.
Send Response selected

This is a hard deadline, meaning responses cannot be sent to shared files after the due date.


6. Give the response a Title and upload the document file. The response will appear in the list of shared files.
Response screen with Title box below

Responses to shared files cannot be replaced or deleted.

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