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About Data File Visualization

The list below provides a representation of how data upload templates are connected in Lifecycle Management (LM). Email address is a key identifier that connects the Faculty Profile, Appointments, and Past Events uploads. When configuring LM using the file upload method, files should be loaded in the following order.


Data File Visualization Chart

  1. Series
    1. Unit Name
    2. Series Name
    3. Tenure
  2. Professional Journey
    1. Unit Name
    2. Series Name
    3. Professional Journey Title
    4. Description
  3. Rank
    1. Unit Name
    2. Series Name
    3. Rank Name
    4. Rank Type Name
    5. Workload Name
    6. Qualifications
    7. Professional Journey
    8. Sequence
    9. Sequence Minimum Salary
    10. Maximum Salary
  4. Rank Events
    1. Unit Name
    2. Series Name
    3. Rank Name
    4. Event Type Name
    5. Rank Event Name
    6. Event Year
    7. Event Month
  5. Faculty Profile
    1. First Name
    2. Middle Name
    3. Last Name
    4. Email Address
    5. Office Street 1
    6. Office Street 2
    7. Office City
    8. Office State
    9. Office Zip Code
    10. Office Country
    11. Home Street 1
    12. Home Street 2
    13. Home City
    14. Home State
    15. Home Zip Code
    16. Home Country
    17. Cell Phone
    18. Work Phone
    19. Avatar URL
    20. CV URL
    21. Date Hired
  6. Appointments
    1. First Name
    2. Last Name
    3. Email Address
    4. Unit Name
    5. Series Name
    6. Rank Name
    7. Professional Journey
    8. Title
    9. Start Date
    10. Contract Expiration
    11. Position ID
    12. Compensation
    13. Employee Type
    14. Workload Name
    15. Appointment Notes
    16. Past Appointment
  7. Past Events
    1. First Name
    2. Last Name
    3. Email Address
    4. Unit Name
    5. Appointment
    6. Appointment Start
    7. Rank Name
    8. Event Name
    9. Event Type Names
    10. Event Start Date
    11. Event End Date
    12. Event Outcome
    13. Event Notes
  8. Workloads
    1. Workload Name
    2. Description
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