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Set Custom Terminology to Match Institution

Institutions often use different terminology to describe various aspects of academic careers, functions, and designations. To accommodate these differences, Interfolio allows Administrators to replace default terms within the product (such as Appointment, Rank, Event, and others) with custom terminology that aligns with the institution's language. This article explains how to configure Custom Terminology from the Administration section of Lifecycle Management (LM).


Set Custom Terminology to Match Institution

  1. Navigate to the Administration page and click the Custom Terminology tile.
    Custom Terminology tile selected on the Administration page
  2. On the Custom Terminology page, click the Edit button next to the desired Default Name.
    Edit button selected next to Appointment on the Custom Terminology page
  3. The Edit Label window will appear where you can enter the Custom Singular and Plural Labels such as ‘Academic Appointment’ and ‘Academic Appointments.’ Click Save when finished. The new term will appear wherever that word is used throughout the product.
    Edit Label section with Default Name and Default Plural Name listed. Custom Singular Label and Custom Plural Label fields listed below with Save button at the bottom

Overview of Default Names

From the Custom Terminology page, the default names of important aspects of the product can be seen and edited. Currently, users can set custom terms for the following terms.

Terminology Description
Appointment Connect selected, qualified individuals to a title, position, post, or set of responsibilities for a designated period. For example an Appointment to Assistant Professor.
Event The reviews or milestones associated with a rank. For example, a Re-appointment Review, or Promotion to Tenure Review are Events.
Faculty The academic staff of an institution. Generally, the body of teaching and research staff at an institution.
Professional Journey A linked progression of multiple ranks connected together to create a career timeline. For example, The Clinical Faculty Journey might be made up of the ranks of Clinical Instructor, Assistant Clinical Professor, Associate Clinical Professor, and Clinical Professor.
Rank Faculty appointments are classified into ranks and groups by title. Generally, ranks reflect the hierarchical structures used in academia, and may or may not be connected to particular rights and benefits that may or may not pertain to each category or classification. For example, a given appointment may be structured with the ranks Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor
Series Represents a sequence of academic titles in increasing order of rank, such as Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, Faculty Fellow, Senior Faculty Fellow, or Distinguished Faculty Fellow.
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