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Use Guidelines and Collections to Prepare for Reviews

Institutions can post guidelines in Dossier to help users prepare for reviews, such as annual performance or promotion reviews. These guidelines are saved as a checklist, and collections of materials can be automatically assembled to meet review requirements. When ready, materials can be transferred to the official review packet. This article explains how to use guidelines for review preparation.


Find and Use Guidelines Posted by the Institution to Create a Collection of Materials

  1. Navigate to the Materials page in your Dossier account and click the Guidelines button in the upper right-hand corner.

    The Guidelines button will only display if the feature is available at the institution. If it does not display, it is not available.

  2. The Guidelines page will display where you can Search for Guidelines to use by institution and unit. Click the hyperlinked name of the guideline to preview it.
  3. Click Save next to the desired guideline to add it to the Saved Guidelines section.
  4. Click Prepare for this Review next to the desired Saved Guideline to create a collection of materials while viewing the guidelines for the review.
  5. Decide on a Collection Name on the Prepare for Review window that appears. Click Continue when finished.
  6. The collection's page will display where you can Add Materials to satisfy the Guidelines shown on the right-hand side.
    • Click the Share button to send an email with someone at their institution.

If available, a View Instructions hyperlink will appear under Guidelines, containing additional instructions from the institution. You should always read through this information (if available) before populating your collection of materials. 


It is recommended to add tags to uploaded materials with the relevant guideline requirement name. That way, during the review you can open the collection and filter by tag to locate materials for each requirement. Guideline-based collections will be listed on the Collections page in the navigation bar.



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