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Create a New Standing Committee

The instructions below are for creating a standing committee in Interfolio Review, Promotion & Tenure (RPT). Standing Committees are created from the Users & Groups management page. Unit Administrators can add a standing committee to any organizational unit in the hierarchy.

Note that an ad-hoc committee can be created when setting up or editing the review steps for a case.

Any updates in committee membership are dynamic and will update in all cases that the committee is nested.


Create Standing Committee

  1. Click Users & Groups under Review, Promotion & Tenure (RPT) on the navigation menu.
    Review, Promotion & Tenure section with Users & Groups selected
  2. Click the Committees tab at the top.
    Users, Committees & Units section with Committees selectted
  3. Click Add Committee in the upper right-hand corner.
    Add Committee button selected
  4. Enter the committee Name and select a Unit from the dropdown list.
  5. Click Save when finished.
  6. Search for the user's name to add to the committee.
  7. Click the +Add button adjacent to the desired user to add.
  8. Click the Star icon adjacent to the added user's name to adjust their role.
    Star selected adjacent to name.
    • If the star is selected they are assigned as a Committee Manager.
    • If the star is not selected they are assigned as a Committee Member.
  9. Repeat the process until all committee members are added.
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