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View and Respond to Files Shared by a Committee (Rebuttal)

Unit Administrators, Case Managers, and Committee Managers in Interfolio Review, Promotion & Tenure (RPT) can share case materials with committees or other groups in the case workflow. Committee members have the option to view and respond to materials (if enabled), with deadlines set for candidate responses when required. After the deadline, responses cannot be submitted or deleted.


Once a section is submitted, it will be locked, and the materials within it will be immediately accessible to the review committee. Neither candidates nor Interfolio can unlock a locked section. To make any updates to a submitted section, please contact an institution administrator to request unlocking.


View and Respond to Files Shared by Committee

When files are shared, the recipient receives an email prompting them to log into their account to view the files.

  1. Click the View Files button in the email and log into your account.
    View Files button
    • If a response is requested it will also be seen as a hyperlinked action item on the My Tasks section of the Homepage along with a due date for the response.
      My Tasks page with Files have been shared with you clicked 
  2. The shared files will be listed. 
    Committee Shared Files page with Action options to View, Download, or Respond
    • You can View, Download, or Respond to individual files from this page.

      The response due date is a hard deadline; no responses can be submitted afterward. Additionally, responses to committee files cannot be deleted and must include an attachment.

    • Alternatively, click Copy to Dossier to transfer all files in bulk to your Dossier, where they will be included with other Dossier materials.

      Only shared documents can be copied to your Dossier, not shared committee forms.



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