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Manage and Submit a Faculty Activity Reporting Vita as Part of Your Packet

For institutions using the Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR, Faculty180) integration with Interfolio Review, Promotion & Tenure (RPT), candidates will have a dedicated vita section that will include vitas and attachments from FAR as part of the RPT packet. This vita can be submitted like any other part of the packet.


If taking advantage of this connection between FAR and RPT, file uploads for the candidate's packet will occur in FAR instead of RPT. For some types of reviews, this may give new significance to the activity input periods.


The FAR vita section is available only if the institution uses both Interfolio's Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR) and has enabled the integration. Candidates cannot modify the Vita Template in an RPT Case but can update activities in FAR and regenerate the Vita. This feature is opt-in for institutions using both FAR and RPT; to activate it, the Institutional Administrator should contact their Project Manager or Account Manager.

Check out this article on how to Add a Built-in FAR Vita Section to an RPT Case or Template.


Submit a FAR Vita as Part of Your Packet

  1. Navigate to Your Packets and select the packet Name under the Active Packets section.

    It is recommended to Preview Packet in the upper right-hand corner before submitting sections. The preview shows exactly how the packet will appear to the committee in the document reader.
    The document reader window with packet materials in a table of contents window on the left side and preview of the document to the right.


    Lock/Unlock Vita

    Candidates cannot add, change, or remove a Vita Template from an RPT case, but may sometimes adjust the term range or regenerate the vita. Unit Administrators, Case Managers, and Committee Managers can lock or unlock the FAR vita using the Lock button in the vita section. If the vita is locked, candidates cannot edit it or modify the term range.

  2. Scroll down to the Faculty Activity Reporting Vita section and click Submit to submit the vita like any other part of the packet.

    If the Vita section is locked by a Unit Administrator, Case Manager, or Template Administrator during template or case setup, candidates cannot edit the vita, change term dates, or regenerate it with attachments.

    Faculty Activity Reporting Vita section with Submit button on the right hand side
    • Click View History on the vita section to quickly see the history of the FAR Vita. This will open a window with a date and time-stamped listing of all change details. 
  3. A reviewer can regenerate a vita if the candidate's activities have been updated in FAR or to change the term range. Click Regenerate (or Generate if this is the first time generating the vita) to do so. 

Vita Generation Errors

When a vita is regenerated, it captures a snapshot of the candidate's data for the selected term range, current up to the moment of generation. Any errors will display in the Regenerate Vita window. If there are no errors, click Regenerate to create a PDF reflecting updates, with annotations removed from non-existent activities. If a FAR vita cannot be generated for certain candidates, an error will appear above the case list; resolve this by creating the case without a vita or removing the candidates.

Candidates section with error code at the top saying "We are unable to generate a vita for 1 of the selected candidates. Please review the candidates listed below and select whether you want to create a case without a vita or remove the candidates from the process.

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