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Create a New Candidate Form

Unit Administrators in Interfolio Review, Promotion & Tenure (RPT) can create three kinds of forms; candidate forms, case data forms, and committee forms. This article explains how to create a new candidate form in Interfolio RPT. Candidate forms are designed to collect information directly from candidates and are completed as part of a candidate's packet requirements. They can be created at any unit in the institution and will be available for use at all units below it in the institutional hierarchy. Candidate forms are created from the Administration Settings page. Once a form has been created, Unit Administrators can attach it to cases or templates to which they have access.


Please note that creating and adding a form are not the same process. Forms are created from the Administration page, but are attached when creating or editing a template or case.


Create Candidate Form

1. Navigate to Add Candidate Form under Administration

Navigation: Administration > Candidate Forms > Add

  1. Click Administration under Review, Promotion & Tenure (RPT) on the navigation menu.
    Review, Promotion & Tenure
  2. Click the Candidate Forms tab on the left-hand side.
    Candidate Forms tab selected
  3. Click the Add Candidate Forms button.

2. Fill out information and add questions

  1. Enter the Form Title and Form Description, and select the parent Unit.

    Note that the form will be available for units at or below the parent unit selected.

  2. Click Done when finished.
  3. Click Add Question.
  4. Enter a Question Title and any Help Information necessary to explain the question.
  5. Select a Question Type. Check out the table below to view more information on each type of question.
Question Type Details
Text Question Text questions prompt applicants to respond with one line of text. These are best suited for short answer, free-form responses.
Paragraph Question Provide applicants with an entire text box for their answer. Best suited for longer, paragraph-form responses.
Multiple Choice Question Presents applicants with multiple answer choices, of which they can choose one. This type of question can also work for True/False, Yes/No, and other binary questions. Applicants can be provided with a box for "Other," where they enter their own answer.
Checkboxes Question These provide applicants with multiple answer choices, of which they can choose one or more. Applicants can be provided with a box for "Other," where they can enter their own answer.
Grid Question Presents applicants with columns and rows, of which they can select one option per row. This type of question can be used to express preferences and which courses the applicant would like to teach.

vi. Click the Question Required checkbox to require the question to be answered before submitting the form.

vii. Click Save when finished.

Once questions are added, they can be dragged and dropped to change the order in which they appear. Formatting can also be added to customize the form display.


Click the dropdown menu beside the Add Question button to select a formatting element. For more complex forms, it is recommended to include these elements for order and clarity:

  • Section Heading: A large-text label that can be placed atop a discrete section of the form.
  • Section Description: Contextual text that can be tucked underneath a heading and above the actual questions.
  • Section Divider: A simple horizontal line that can visually break up the form.

3. Preview before finishing

  1. Click Show Applicant Preview to preview how the form will appear to candidates.
  2. Click Done when finished.

The new form can now be attached to cases and templates by units at or below the unit at which it was created in the institutional hierarchy

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