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Manually Add/Edit Courses Taught

Courses Taught can be added to Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR, Faculty180) on an individual basis, as compared to performing a bulk upload. The basic information for courses taught, including the course title information and enrollment, can also be changed as necessary.


If there is an error when adding or editing the course taught in Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR, Faculty180), check out the FAR Error Message Glossary to better explain and clarify possible errors and how to fix them.


Add/Manage Courses Taught

Navigation: Administration > Administration > Courses Taught > Add/Edit

  1. Click Administration under the Administration section on the navigation bar 
    Administration section with Administration highlighted
  2. Click Courses Taught under the Add/Edit section. 
    Add/Edit section with Courses Taught elected
  3. Click the hyperlinked number for the unit corresponding to the course to be changed. If necessary, click the plus sign to expand a unit.
  4. Click the Add button at the bottom of the page to add a new course taught or click the Edit (pencil) icon adjacent to the course to be edited.
  5. Enter the necessary information or make the desired changes. Note the required fields.
  6. Click Save when finished.
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