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Create a Case When the Candidate Does Not Have an Institutional Email Address

We know there may be occasional situations where creating a case is necessary, but the candidate themselves is not a user of Interfolio Review, Promotion & Tenure (RPT) at the time of case creation. An example of this is, a report that must be run for an appointment case for a newly hired faculty member who has not yet been given an institutional email address. While the Interfolio RPT case creation process is intentionally designed to draw upon the permanent user list, it is still possible to create cases in this scenario example. Please follow the recommended steps below to create a case when the candidate does not have an institutional email address. 


Create a Candidate Account Using Personal/Professional Email

  1. Navigate to the Users & Groups under Review, Promotion & Tenure (RPT) on the navigation menu.
  2. Click Add User in the upper right-hand corner of the case list.
  3. Add the user with their current personal/professional email address.
    • If creating a case for a user that is not part of the institution (such as an appointment action), it is recommended to add the user with their current personal/professional email address.
  4. Click send when finished.
  5. On the next page, If the candidate will likely need to interact with their case or the Interfolio platform, click the SSO Identifier tab. On this page, the SSO ID can be entered or removed.

If the user is added already and now there are two user profiles for the same person, please email Interfolio-support@elsevier.com with the information for both users so that the two accounts can be merged. Please be sure to note which user details should be primary. In most cases, the user profile with institutional credentials will be the primary user.

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