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Data Models for Loading Data into Faculty Activity Reporting

Each of the files attached below are one of our data models used for loading data into Faculty Activity Reporting. It is critical that you follow the format of each data model to avoid loading erroneous data into the system. Each file contains an excel workbook with the following tabs:

  •  Instructions: for using the data model, including general information and upload requirements
  • Details: A comprehensive list of available fields to load using the data model
  • Data Sample: An example of how the file is used.

When you're ready to populate your data model, download the data models and clear out the example data. Then, populate the file with your institution's data and save your file as a CSV or TSV.


Download our Data Models


Click the links below to download the Faculty Activity Reporting data models.


File Requirements

Your data must meet the following conditions:

  1. CSV or TSV format
  2. UTF-8 encoded
  3. Files must be named according to our established naming convention, detailed in the respective data model
  4. Data is correctly and consistently formatted (as detailed within each data model)
  5. Data must be correct
  6. Files must be placed in the appropriate location on the SFTP (detailed in the “File Location” portion of Autoload Information)
LM Download All Lifecycle Managment Data Models

In RPT and FS, institutions cannot bulk upload new users. If manually adding users is impractical, you can submit a file to us, and we will process the upload on your behalf.


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