Effective January 21st, 2025: Interfolio’s phone number and email for institutional support are changing. View more details.

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Getting Started with Faculty Search

Interfolio's Scholar Services team will act as the primary contact for product and technical support for all institution's administrators, faculty, and staff. They handle advanced troubleshooting, manage bug triage, and offer comprehensive product support. Technical Services SLAs are available here. The Technical Services team also offers data and API consulting.


For immediate assistance, the quickest way to reach our team is by phone at +1 (833) 844-2118, available Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM ET. If you call outside of these hours or on weekends, please leave a message, and a member of our Scholar Services team will respond as soon as they are available.

While response times for email inquiries may vary, our team is dedicated to providing timely and efficient support. You can email us at Interfolio-support@elsevier.com, and one of our Scholar Services representatives will get back to you promptly.


Getting Started with Faculty Search

Log into Interfolio with SSO

Institutions may allow their users to log in with credentials specific to Interfolio, or with Single sign-on (SSO). SSO is an authentication method that enables users to securely authenticate with multiple applications and websites by using just one set of credentials.


Interfolio will partner with Institutional Administrators and the institution's IT department to set up and manage the SSO integration. It is crucial to maintain the SSO integration and for the institution to provide Interfolio with notice of any changes to their SSO such as updated metadata, servers, or shared attributes. 


Check out these articles on SSO maintenance and troubleshooting and how to Sign in to Interfolio for more information.



Term Definition
Faculty Search An Interfolio module (also known as FS) that can be used to facilitate faculty, fellowship, academic staff, and other search processes.
Units Different tiers (Schools, Departments, or Divisions) within a hierarchy. Administrators, Committee Managers, and Evaluators are able to be assigned to each unit in order to determine their access and privileges.
Positions Academic, staff, fellowship, or other postings that collect and store application materials in a single place for committee evaluation.
Apply Now Page The landing/advertisement page for each search. Each Apply Now page has a unique URL and hosts the position description and additional instructions that serve as the online application portal for the search.
Application The collection of materials submitted by applicants for review (documents and other files).
Committees Groups of users that can review submitted applications. Committees include users who have either the Committee Manager or Evaluator role.
Dossier A place for applicants to store and manage all of their job, fellowship, promotion, and review documents in one place.


What are the abilities of each user?

A user's role determines their capabilities and permissions in FS.

Role Description
Evaluator Assigned to one or more search committees and are able to review and add notes to individual applications. They cannot make any changes to the position configuration.
Committee Manager Assigned as search leaders and have all of the abilities of an evaluator with a few added permissions such as position status management and reporting access.
Administrator Has the highest level of access in all the roles. These users have all the abilities of a committee manager, plus the ability to create, manage, and monitor all searches at their assigned unit. They also have the ability to control settings and permissions for users in their unit.

Why are evaluators seeing a “You are not authorized” error when trying to view applicants?

If Evaluators are unable to see the applications for a position, check to make sure:

  1. They have been added to the search committee
  2. The position status allows Evaluators to review applications
  3. The position or application has not been archived

I have created a position, but no one can see it.

It is likely that the position has not been published. You will need to open the position to new applicants.


The applicant says they have applied, so why am I unable to see their materials?

There are two possible scenarios for this:

  1.  The applicant may have only added their materials to their Dossier account.
  2. The applicant may have added their materials to the application, but not submitted it. 

Check out this article on how to Apply to a Position Hosted with Interfolio for more information.


How can I confirm that I sent an email to applicants?

Sent emails can be tracked via Messages sent in the Logs feature.


What do I do if I am unable to find a specific user when trying to add them as a Committee Manager?

  1. Make sure that the user has been added to the program by clicking Users & Groups in the navigation bar and searching for the user's first or last name.
  2. If the user is listed, make sure they have been assigned the Committee Manager role for the same unit used to create the position.
    • If the user has been assigned an Administrator role, they will have access to the position by default and will not be able to be added to the position as a Committee Manager or Evaluator.
  3. If this person has already been added to the committee as an Evaluator, remove them first, then add them as a manager.

Check out this Tutorial Video on how to Add a Committee Manager for more information.


What time do positions close on the assigned date? Is this time customizable?

Positions close at 11:59 pm Eastern on the assigned closed date. The close date and time/timezone are displayed to the applicant. The timezone is not currently customizable.


What is the difference between closing and archiving a position?

Closing a position means that the assigned close date has passed and no new applicants can apply. A position that has been closed and archived will no longer appear in the active filter on the Positions list, and existing applicants will no longer be able to make changes.


Why are users getting automatically logged out?

For security purposes, Interfolio will log out any user after 60 minutes of inactivity.

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