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Upload and Manage Dossier Materials

A variety of materials can be stored in Dossier accounts including letters of recommendation, supporting documents such as CVs and cover letters, and examples of writing and research. A range of file types and formats are accepted including videos and links to webpages. A set of tools is provided to help organize materials.


Upload Materials to Dossier

  1. Navigate to the My Materials page and click +Add Files to open the Add File window where you can upload or drag and drop the desired file.
  2. Select a category Type from the dropdown to organize and filter your materials, then click +Add.

    You may need to compress files if you receive an error message when uploading.


    The file is now in your Dossier Account and can be managed on your Materials page. It is available for any applications, and files uploaded directly to applications will also appear on your Materials page.


Manage Dossier Materials

Navigate to the My Materials page and click the desired material Title to navigate to preview it in a browser. The preview displays how materials will appear to reviewers.

Action Details
Rename Document The document title can be edited in the Title field under the Details tab.
View History

Click the History tab to track changes made to your materials.

This feature tracks updates to materials, requests and receipts of recommendation letters, replacements of recommendations, inclusion in applications, and changes to titles or types of materials.


Select the desired download option from the Download dropdown in the upper right-hand corner.


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