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Add, Change, or Remove Case Statuses

Unit Administrators, Case Managers, and Committee Managers can apply and remove color coded case statuses to mark where cases are in the review process and mark their ultimate outcomes. These statuses can be applied or removed one at a time to individual cases or as a bulk action to a group of selected cases. The available statuses that appear when adding or changing a status are set by a Unit Administrator of the program, but custom statuses can also be created and applied to one or more selected cases.


Candidates cannot see the case status on the 'Your Packets' page or anywhere on the packet itself.


Add, Change, or Remove Case Status

  1. Navigate to the Cases page and click the Name of the desired candidate to navigate to that candidate's Case Materials page.
    Candidate's Case Materials page with Unit, Template, and Status sections
  2. If no status has been assigned, click Select Status at the top. If a status is already assigned it will display here and you can click Change instead. You may have to scroll down through the dropdown list to see more options.
    Status section with Tenure Granted shown and change hyperlinked next to it
    • Select Add Custom Status to create and assign a new status that is not already listed.
      Add new status field


Can you Add or Remove Status of Case In Bulk

Yes, on the Cases page, check the boxes next to the desired cases to change the statuses. Select whether you would like to Add or Remove the status from the More Options dropdown.

Cases page with More Options dropdown displaying Add Status and Remove Status options


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