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Create a List of Case Statuses for an Institution

Institutional Administrators can create, reorder, update, and delete color-coded statuses through the Administration Settings page. Statuses are set at the highest level of an institutional hierarchy. Once created, these statuses can be applied to any case created by the institution or any of its lower units (schools, departments, and more). Unit Administrators, Case Managers, and Committee Managers can assign or remove these statuses on individual candidate cases.


Statuses can be created at the case level by Unit Administrators, Case Managers, or Committee Managers, but they will only apply to that specific case and will be not accessible across an institution.


Add/Manage a List of Case Statuses

  1. Navigate to the Administration page and select the Statuses tab on the left-hand side. If someone has already added statuses to the program, they will appear here.
    Statuses tab selected on Administration page
  2. From here you can click the +Add Status button to create a new status, or click the Pencil (Edit) icon next to the desired status to edit the name, change the associated color, or delete the status altogether. Click Done or Update when finished.
    Statuses section with Add Status button selected 

The order of statuses here determines their appearance in the dropdown list when a user applies a status to a case. Simply drag and drop the statuses to arrange them in the desired sequence.

  1. The new status can be applied to cases by Unit Administrators, Case Managers, or Committee Managers.
    Select Status dropdown opened

Case Status Examples

Case Granted Under Review Promotion Granted Opt-in Withdrawn
Under Review Review Successful Promotion Denied Cancelled Archived
Case Completed Review - Satisfactory Sabbatical Denied On Hold In Review
With Candidate Tenure Granted Case Denied Test Case Late
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