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Manage Faculty Events in Bulk

We are developing the ability for Lifecycle Management (LM) Administrators and Unit Managers to manage faculty events in bulk. This will allow users to make changes to multiple events with a single action from the Faculty List.


This is a developing feature. As of April 2024, users have the ability to start upcoming events in bulk, and to cancel one or more active events. Other management functions are coming soon.


Start Events in Bulk

  1. Navigate to the Faculty page. check the boxes next to the desired faculty members, and select Modify Events > Start Events from the toolbar at the top.
    Faculty page with Start/Cancel Events shown from Modify Events dropdown

Cancel Events in Bulk

Select Cancel Events from the Modify Events dropdown. If the selected profiles have ongoing events, the user will see a confirmation box explaining that the selected ongoing events will be cancelled for the selected profiles.
Cancel Event window

If you select multiple profiles to cancel the active events for, and none have valid events that can be canceled, you will see a message displaying which profiles do not have active events to cancel with an option to return to the faculty list.
Cancel Event window

  1. Click to confirm that you want to start the indicated number of events.  
    Start Even confirmation window.

If selected profiles have upcoming events, a window will confirm that the next event will start on the provided date for those profiles. Only one upcoming event can start per profile, and if two events are scheduled for the same day, the first created will be included in the bulk action, while the later one will remain upcoming.


If any of the selected profiles have no upcoming events, you will see a window explaining that those profiles have no events and listing the names and email addresses of the candidates with no upcoming events. The upcoming event will start for the selected profiles on the date provided in the event information. 




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