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Create and Assign User Titles in Faculty Search

Users with the role of Administrator in Faculty Search (FS) can also be assigned a title such as Dean or Department Chair, in the unit they administer and all units below. This title will allow them to approve positions created by all units they administer before they can be posted. Titles are created on the Titles tab of the Users & Groups page of FS and then assigned to administrators when editing the user's permissions. During the process of creating approval templates, the titles created here become available when selecting an administrator to fill a given title for a given unit. The administrator creating the approval template has the option to name an administrator as the approver of the position at that step based on unit and title. The administrator(s) who hold the title selected will automatically be appointed to approve the position at the current step for the unit in which the position was created.


Check out this article on how to Add New Users to Faculty Search for more information on adding users and assigning roles. A user must be assigned the role of an administrator before they can be assigned a title.


User Titles


Institutional Administrators can create, edit, and delete titles if they are not linked to an active position or workflow template. Titles are created from the Users & Groups section of FS.

  1. Click Users & Groups from the navigation bar.
     Users & Groups selected under Faculty Search
  2. Select the Titles tab.
    Titles tab selected under Users, Units & Titles section
  3. Click the Add Title button.
  4. Enter the Title.
  5. Click Save when finished.


A user must first be assigned the role of a unit administrator before a title can be assigned to that user.


Titles are assigned to administrators when editing the user's permissions. A title can be assigned to the unit of the administrator's current role or a unit below.

  1. Click Users & Groups from the navigation bar.
     Users & Groups selected under Faculty Search
  2. Ensure the Users tab is selected.
    Users tab selected below Users, Units & Titles section
  3. Select a user with the user role of Administrator.
  4. Scroll down and click Add Title.
    Add Title button selected under the Title section of the Edit User window
  5. Select the Unit and Title.
  6. Click Save when finished.
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