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IDS: Scopus for all IDS clients

Scopus for all IDS clients

Recently, we added Scopus as a data source for all IDS clients. With this upgrade, wherever we're using IDs (e.g., Scopus Author ID or ORCiD) to search for faculty publications, we are now able to extend the searches to recommend publications from current and previous institutions where the faculty member has a single Scopus Author ID. This will create a more complete picture of faculty scholarship with minimal effort on the part of the user to add the publication data to their Faculty Activity Reporting profile. Scopus data will increase the number and quality of the results from the IDS. It will also provide better coverage for publications by academics in the humanities, arts and social sciences. 

There will be no change in the current process, scholars and admins will still be getting the same cadence of runs with additional data, where present, from this new source.


Adding Scopus data to IDS adds:

  • 94+million records
  • 330,000+ books
  • 12.1+million conference papers
  • 27,800 active peer reviewed journals
  • 44% of the publications in Scopus are related to the social sciences.

At present, available types of Scopus data include articles, books, book chapters, and conference proceedings only. 







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