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View the Activity Log of a Case

Interfolio Review, Promotion, & Tenure RPT tracks all actions on a case, including status changes, when a case is moved to a different review step, document sharing, messages, committee membership changes, and external evaluation requests. This article explains how to access the log and its list of recorded activities. The activity log now tracks who locks/unlocks a section and when it is locked/unlocked.


Users can view Committee/Candidate Form events in the case Activity Log, accessible from the Case Options menu on an individual case page. Check out this article for information on how to Generate and Download Reports.


View Activity Log

  1. Navigate to the Cases page and click the Name of the applicable case. Select View Actvitiy Log from the Case Options dropdown.
  2. A chronological display of all activity on the case will display.
  3. Click View Details to view the content of communications sent for some activities.

The log records all case activities, including initial form submission, omissions/enforcements for required forms, review step changes, document sharing, messages sent, status updates, committee membership changes, and external evaluation requests. Check out the list below for details on messages that may appear in the log.

Activity/Event Description Actions

Committee Recusal


Records date/time when a committee member is recused from a committee. Includes the name and email of recuser, the name and email of recused, and the name of the committee the user is recused from.  
Committee (Un-)Recusal Records date/time when the committee member is un-recused from a committee. Includes the name and email of un-recuser, the name and email of un-recused, and the name of the committee user that is no longer recused.  
Applicant Initial Submission Records date/time, when the applicant makes the initial submission of the packet. View Content displays the email sent to committee members notifying them of case submission.
Administrator Recusal Records date/time when a Unit Administrator or Case Manager is recused from a workflow step. Includes the name and email of the recuser, the name and email of the recused Unit Administrator or Case Manager, and the name of the workflow step administrator is recused from.  
Administrator (Un-)Recusal Records date/time when Unit Administrator or Case Manager is un-recused from a workflow step. Includes the name and email of the un-recuser, the name and email of the un-recused, and the name of the workflow step Unit Administrator or Case Manager that is no longer recused.  
Committee Form Response Submission Records the date/time when the committee member submits their response to a committee form. Includes name and email of committee member and name of submitted form.  
Comment Creation Records the date/time of the comment, the name and email of the commenter, and the case step of the comment. The text of the comment is included in the event entry.
External Evaluation Request Records the date/time of the request, the name and email of the requester, and the name of the external evaluator who gets the request.  View Content displays the email sent to the evaluator.
External Evaluation Submission Records the date/time when the confidential evaluation is uploaded, the name and email of the evaluator, and the title of the evaluation uploaded.  
Lock/Unlock sections Records who locks/unlocks a section and when it is locked/unlocked  
Vita Generated Records the date/time when the vita is generated for a case. The notice includes the name and email of the user who generated the vita and the title of the generated vita. View Details opens the document viewer and displays the vita in the candidate packet.
Vita Changed Records the date/time when the vita is changed for a case. The notice includes the name and the email of the user who changed the vita and the title of the previous vita and the vita it was changed to. View Details opens the document viewer and displays the vita in the candidate packet.
Vita Removed Records the date/time when the vita is removed from a case. The notice includes the name and email of the user who removed the vita and the title of the removed vita. View Details opens the document viewer and displays the candidate packet.
Vita Replaced Records the date/time when the vita is replaced for a case. The notice includes the name and email of the user who replaced the vita and the title of the replaced vita. View Details opens the document viewer and displays the candidate packet.
Vita Regenerated Records the date/time when the vita is regenerated. Notification displays the name and email of the user who regenerated the vita and the title of the vita regenerated. View Detail opens the vita in the candidate packet.
Confidential Evaluation Uploaded Records the date/time the evaluation was uploaded, and the title of the uploaded document.  
Committee Form Submission Level Changed Records the date/time when the user types who can submit a form is changed. This notification displays the name and email of the person who changed the setting, the name of the form, and indicates what the setting was before the change, and who can submit the form after the change. For example, from Only Committee Manager(s) to All Committee Members.  
Committee Form Visibility Changed Records the date/time when the visibility of a committee form is changed. Includes the name of the form, the name and email of the user changing visibility, and indicates the visibility permission that the form was changed from and to (for example: Administrators & Committee Managers to Administrators Only).  
Committee Form Requirement Added Records the date/time when the committee form requirement is added. Includes the name and email of the user who added the form, the name of the form added, and the user group for whom the form is required (Committee Managers/Members for example), FSSU Support ( added the form Annual Review Evaluation as a requirement for the Committee Managers in committee FSSU P&T Committee at Step 3 of 4: FSSU P&T.  
Committee Form Requirement Moved Records the date/time when the form requirement is moved from one internal section to another. The event description indicates the form title and the section the form was moved from and to. For example, from the section Packet Attachments to External Evaluations.  
Committee Form Requirement Changed (omitted/enforced) Records the date/time when the committee form requirement is omitted or enforced for a respondent. The notification includes the name and email of the user who changed the form, the name of the respondent for whom the form was changed, and how the requirement was changed for the respondent, either to be omitted or enforced.  
Status Change Records the date/time when the status of the case is changed. Includes the name and email of the user who changed the status and indicates the former status (changed from...) and new status (changed to...).  
Share Response, Committee Records the date/time when the committee member responds to the shared case attachment. Includes the name and email of the responding member, and the title of the file the user uploaded as a response.  
Share Response, Candidate Records the date/time when the candidate responds to the shared case attachment. Includes the name and email of the candidate, and the title of the file uploaded as a response.  
Share Response, Other User Records the date/time when the user responds to the shared case attachment. Includes the name of the responding user and the title of the file uploaded as a response.  
Temporary Committee Member, Added Records the date/time and when the temporary committee member is added, the name of the committee, and the name and email of the temporary committee member added.  
Temporary Committee Member, Removed Records the date/time and when the temporary committee member is removed, the name of committee, and the name and email of the temporary committee member removed.  
Committee Assignment to Step Records the date/time when thecommittee is added to a workflow step. Includes the name of the committee and the name of the step where the committee was added.  
Committee Removed from Step Records the date/time when the committee is removed from a workflow step. Includes the name of the committee and the name of the step the committee was removed from.  
Workflow Step Movement (forward or backward) Records the date/time when the case is moved back or forward in the workflow. The notice indicates the name and email of the person moving the step, and the name of the step the case was moved from, and the name of the step the case was moved to. If Interfolio automatically moved the case, this is noted in the event description.  
Message to Candidate Records the date/time when the message was sent. The notification includes the name and email of the user sending the message, the list of attachments, and the name of the candidate. View Content displays the email message sent to the candidate.
Candidate Notification Records the date/time when the candidate is notified of the case. Includes the name and email of the user who notified candidate of their review. View Content displays the email message sent to the candidate inviting them to view the case. 
Message to Committee Records the date/time when the message was sent. The notification includes the name and email of the user sending the message, the list of attachments, and the number of people emailed. View Content displays the email message sent to the committee members.
Candidate Material Submission Records the date/time when the candidate submits their materials for review.  
Share, Created Records the date/time when the case files were shared, the name and email of the person who shared the files, and name of the user who received the share. View Content displays the email notifying user of shared files.
Candidate Responds to Email Records the date/time and name of the candidate when the candidate responds to an email concerning their case.  
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