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Overview of Case Materials

Reviews in higher education involve a large number of materials that have to be reviewed by different individuals and groups at different times. Interfolio has made it easy to organize materials and control who can see what, at any given time.


Changes made to the packet are saved and passed forward to the next committee, which has the same abilities to create and edit packet sections and materials. If a case gets sent back a step, it will retain any changes that have been made to the packet.


Overview of Case Materials


All of the materials associated with a case are broken into four different categories:

  1. Committee documents
  2. Candidate documents
  3. External evaluations
  4. Candidate forms

For materials within one of these categories, Unit Administrators, Case Managers, and Committee Managers can control who can see and download each individual file. 

Remember that anything uploaded by a committee is not seen by a candidate, and committee members are not able to add, reorder, or edit sections and materials.


Unit Administrator Abilities

Unit Administrators  have the ability to:

  • Rename the default packet sections
  • Add or remove sections to or from this list
  • Determine which materials are stored in which category
  • Reorder materials within a material group
  • Add packet sections and materials to the case that are not visible to the candidate such as committee notes, meeting notes, final recommendations, or other materials being produced at the institution or received from outside sources.
    • Committee Managers also have this ability.

Example Settings

Settings can be configured to satisfy different situations. Some examples include when the institution wants…

  • Only Unit Administrators to be able to read evaluations from external scholars, but still wants everyone on the committee to be able to see the candidate’s publications.
  • To share case materials with all the members of other committees in the workflow of a case (besides the current committee) and with other RPT users.
  • To share committee materials with candidates and allow them to submit a response or rebuttal to the shared material.

    This is especially useful when sharing the recommendation of a committee and allowing the candidate to respond or rebut the decision.

  • To allow the entire committee to read just one specific external evaluation and not give them access to the other letters.

    Users can read and annotate materials from within the browser window. Annotations are private notes only visible to the user who leaves them.

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