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Overview of Templates and Cases

Templates are the building blocks of the Interfolio Review, Promotion & Tenure (RPT) program. They allow Unit Administrators and Template Administrators to create a standardized, repeatable process for all review cases in their institution, colleges, schools, and departments. Templates save details like packet requirements and steps of review for the entire faculty action process. 


If the institution uses the Enterprise version of our Dossier product, guidelines can be established when creating a template, and those guidelines can be made visible so that faculty or staff can use them to prepare for future reviews.


Overview of Templates and Cases


A template is created and saved at a unit level (a college, school, or department), which limits where it can be later used. For example:

  • When a template is assigned to the institution-level unit, it will be available to the entire institution. 
  • When a template is assigned to a college-level unit, it will be available to that college and the departments beneath it in the hierarchy. 
  • When a template is assigned to a department, it will only be available in that department.


Once a template is created, it can be used to build individual cases without having to remember or repeat the standardized process at the institution, college, or department. A case can be thought of as a customized template since it is possible to modify any template to fit specific information for a candidate. All of the components of a template can be changed or edited to fit the needs of a particular individual’s review process when creating a case based on the template. The seven types of cases include appointment, promotion, reappointment, review, sabbatical, tenure, and others.

Multiple cases can be created at a time, all based on a single template.



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