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Recuse a Standing Committee Member from a Case Review Step

Unit Administrators and Case Managers can recuse (remove) members of a standing committee for a case from the Case Details page of a given step. The instructions below explain how to remove a standing committee member from a case.


All changes made to the membership of standing committees from the case page are temporary and apply to the current case only.


Recuse Member of Standing Committee

  1. Navigate to the Cases page and click the Name of the desired case to navigate to that case's page. Select the Case Details tab.

    When managing more than one committee with access to the case at the current workflow step, check to make sure the Reviewing as the section has the correct committee listed.

    Case's page displays on the Case Details tab
  2. Scroll down to the Committee Members section and click the Edit button.
    Edit button selected next to the Committee Members section
  3. Click the “X” button to recuse the committee member from this case. Click Done when finished.
    Add Member, Done, and Delete buttons display on the edit committee members section.
    • You can also +Add Members to the committee from here.

Recusal removes the member from the specific case, not the standing committee. It applies to the entire case, so the recused member loses access to all steps within that case.



Can committee members see documents added in a later step if the case is moved back?

No, committee members can only view documents added on or before their assigned step. For example, if a document is added in step three and the case moves back to step two, members of step two won’t have access to that document.


Can a Unit Administrator recuse committee members from committees above their unit?

No, a Unit Administrator can only recuse members from committees created at their unit level or below. Attempting to recuse members from higher-level committees will result in a "You Are Not Authorized to Access This Page" error.


Why can't a Committee Manager search for users to add to a committee on the Case Details tab?

This error occurs because the Committee Manager does not have a unit assigned in Users & Groups. To fix this, add a unit to their profile in Users & Groups (no role assignment needed). They’ll then be able to search for and add committee members.

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