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Add Internal Documents to an Application

This article explains how to add internal documents to an application. In the process of considering an applicant, an organization may create or use documents about an applicant that are not appropriate for that applicant to see. For example, a draft offer letter, meeting minutes, notes about final recommendations, or other documents produced at the institution or received from outside sources. In Faculty Search (FS), Administrators and Committee Managers can add internal documents to an individual application that can only be viewed by other Administrators, Committee Managers, and Search Committee Members who have access to view the application materials. This feature allows committees and administrative staff to share information and materials pertaining to an individual application that should not be shared with the applicant themselves.


Applicants cannot view or access internal documents.


Letters of recommendation requested by the committee will also appear under the Internal Documents section of the application. 


Add Internal Documents

1. Navigate to the desired applicant under Positions

Navigation: Positions > desired position > desired applicant

  1. Click Positions under Faculty Search on the navigation bar.
    Positions selected under Faculty Search
  2. Click the hyperlinked Name of the desired position.
  3. Click the hyperlinked Name of the desired applicant.

2. Add files

  1. Click Add File adjacent to the Internal Documents section.
    Add File button on the right hand side of the Internal Documents section
  2. Browse for the file, or drag & drop to upload the document.
  3. Click Save when finished.

Note that letters of recommendation requested by the committee will also appear under the Internal Documents section of the application.

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