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Use Personal Dossier to Prepare for Reviews

Interfolio Dossier is a platform that can help prepare for every phase of an academic career. Dossier offers tools to help scholars apply to academic opportunities and collect documents needed for use in future job searches and reviews. Once hired within an institution, users can use Dossier to prepare for performance and promotion reviews. Interfolio has partnered with many institutions to provide students and staff access to Dossier and other Interfolio products. This service is called Dossier Institution.


If access to Dossier is through an institution that has a Dossier Institution subscription, and a user leaves one of Interfolio's partner institutions, all of the collected documents, requested letters, and career materials will remain in the account and will still be available. There is no need to create a new Dossier account, but make sure a personal email address (as opposed to an institutional email) is linked to the account. Of course, this user will need to upgrade to an active Dossier Deliver subscription to access advanced functions such as sending deliveries and sharing documents with colleagues.


Any user can Upgrade to Dossier Deliver, even users who have access to Dossier through their institution. Dossier Deliver allows users to send career materials anywhere needed and allows feedback to be solicited on materials and collections from anyone inside or outside of the institution.


How Dossier Helps Prepare for Reviews

Service Description
Free Account

A free account through Dossier Institution allows users to create and manage collections of materials, use tags to organize Dossier materials, request confidential letters of recommendation, and view the history of changes made to materials.

Dossier accounts stay active indefinitely, but those inactive for six years will be deleted. Documents remain accessible as long as the account is active.

Subscription Account With a Dossier Deliver subscription users can send deliveries of materials, share materials and receive feedback from trusted individuals, and quality check letters of recommendation.
Review, Promotion & Tenure

As a review candidate at an institution that is using Interfolio Review, Promotion & Tenure (RPT), Dossier can help assemble materials being used in a review packet to be transferred to the official packet for review. If an institution is using RPT but does not subscribe to Dossier, everything from a user's review can still be collected, stored, and managed in their personal Dossier.

Check out this article on how to Use Collections from Dossier to Satisfy Packet Requirements for more information

Guidelines If an institution subscribes to Dossier Institution and uses the Guidelines feature, users will be able to view guidelines for future reviews, open positions at the institution, and share materials with other users at the institution to collect feedback.
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