Approve/Send Back Faculty Input Form
Once the Faculty Input Process has been initiated, faculty can update their activities while system Administrators monitor participation and approve/reject submissions. If a faculty member’s input is approved at one level but rejected at the next, the review process restarts, and the faculty member is notified via email in the To Do section on the dashboard with instructions.
Activity Input Forms remain editable throughout the approval process, meaning reviewers may see different information at different times. Forms are only locked once fully approved, after which they can be found under Prior Activity Input Forms in the Reports section.
Approve/Send Back Faculty Input Form
- Navigate to the Administration page and click Approve Faculty Input under the Activity Input section.
- The Approve Faculty Input page will display. Click the Eye (View) icon under the ‘Actions’ column to view the approval process for the desired Input Form.
- The # of Approval Steps column includes the faculty step.
- Click the Envelope (Email) icon under the Actions column to email faculty during a workflow.
Emailing faculty is not automatic, so if you want to notify your faculty that a workflow is open, you can do so here.
- A list of the unit breakdown will display for your unit and below. Click the Eye (View) icon under the ‘Approve’ column to view the faculty members included in this workflow at the selected unit.
This view is filtered by the selections in the ‘Details’ and ‘Faculty’ sections. To see the desired workflow, adjust the Start/End Date and Faculty members, then click ‘Refresh Report.’
- A list of the faculty breakdown will display. Click the Eye (View) icon under the ‘View and Approve’ column to view and approve the faculty member's input form.
Click the Envelope (Email) icon to individually remind faculty members who have not completed their Activity Input Form. Reminder messages can be sent in bulk to faculty members from the Communications page.
- This will open an emulation of the selected faculty member. enabling you to review and Approve the form. A Reject option will appear next to the approve button.
Please note that the Approve and Reject buttons may be customized with alternative labels.
If an administrative approval step is not included in the workflow, will changes be automatically accepted if the sections are mapped to the activities form?
Yes. If the workflow does not include an Administrative Approval step, the faculty member's submission will automatically update and map the changes to the universal Activities form after reviewing the Initiated Input.
How does initiated input approval work for a faculty member with a joint appointment in another unit?
Initiated input approval for a faculty member with a joint appointment involves administrators from both the primary and secondary units reviewing and approving the faculty member's input.