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Tracking FTE in FAR

Evaluating a faculty member's overall workload quantitatively is a crucial part of annual or periodic reviews. This assessment helps institutions answer key questions such as, "How much time is each faculty member dedicating to each area of their work?" and "Is this in line with our expectations?" The designated time allocations for each area of activity (workload components) should sum up to the total expected workload for the faculty member. Interfolio allows for institutions to configure the workload components needed to align with your institution's employment models. Institutions often need to report Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) values to state bodies and aggregate these values within and across workload components each term. This article documents the following information:

  • Components of workload (ex. teaching, research, service, and other responsibilities such as administration, clinical work, etc.)
  • Activities contributed to each component (ex. SOC 101 under teaching)
  • Percentage Full-Time Employee (FTE) each activity contributed

Note that negative or partial (decimal) hours can be entered in the Workload Percentage field in an Activity Input form.


Check out this video on how to address faculty workload in professional reviews and evaluations for guidance on FTE activity classification for workload planning and review.


Track FTE in FAR

1. Administrators Setup FTE Activity Classification

Navigation: Administration > Setup > Activity Classification > Add

It is a best practice to attach only one FTE AC per each form.

  1. Navigate to Setup under the Administration section of the navigation menu.
    Administration section with Setup highlighted
  2. Click Activity Classification under Customize.
  3. Click the hyperlinked number for the unit corresponding to the activity to be added/changed. If necessary, click the plus sign to expand a unit.
  4. Scroll to the bottom and click the Add button.
  5. Fill out the General Information section.
    General Information section on Activity Classification Form
  • Display: Text Box FTE

    This text box can only contain numeric values.

  • Sum in Default Teaching Section on Vita: It is recommended to check this box

This can be used when pulling data into a vita. For example, if you have an FTE in teaching for every course, when running the vita it can show you either of the following:

  • The sum of all teaching for that time period
  • The sum of teaching for each course

vi. Fill out the rest of the form and click the Save button when finished.


2. Administrators create a form with custom sections

Navigation: Administration > Setup > Activity Input Form > Add > Add Section

  1. Navigate to Setup under the Administration section of the navigation menu.
    Administration section with Setup highlighted
  2. Click Activity Input Form under Configuration.
  3. Click the hyperlinked number for the unit corresponding to the activity to be added/changed. If necessary, click the plus sign to expand a unit.
  4. Scroll to the bottom and click the Add button.
  5. Select the desired Template and click the Add button.
  6. Select the desired Method (Modify an Existing Template or Add a New Vita Template) then click the Okay button.
  7. Fill out the Configure Form.
  8. Add custom sections by clicking the Add Section button under the Content section.

    To attach FTE AC to custom sections, do not click the Save button yet. Continue to step 3 below.


3. Administrators attach the FTE AC created in Step 1 to the custom section created in Step 2

Navigation: Configure Form Page > Edit Custom Section

  1. On the Configure Form page under the Content section, click the Edit (pencil) icon adjacent to the custom section desired to add an AC to.

    Custom sections can be identified by Custom Section Reorder being written adjacent to the dropdown.

  2. Fill out the information in each section on the Edit Activity Input Section page.
    • Activity Classifications: Drag and drop the desired AC created in Step 1 from the Available to Use section to the In Use section.
    • Input Form Options: Select the Locking Options desired for this section.
    • Display Options
      • Choose Activity Classifications To Show In Tabular Summary: Select the new FTE AC created in Step 1 from the dropdown. Then click the Add button.

        Note that you may have to save this section and then come back to this Display Options section if the desired AC is not appearing in this dropdown.

      • Show Subsections On Activity Input Form: Select the Do Not Show option because the AC is set up to sum sections, not subsections.
  3. After filling out all information on this page, scroll to the bottom and click the Save button.

Best Practices for Input Forms

  • Only do one term at a time.
  • Only include one FTE AC. We are not limiting the number of FTE ACs the client could create, but the forms only know how to handle one at a time.
  • Only associate one term with each input form when the form utilizes the FTE AC.

4. Faculty input workload data by term

Navigation: Forms & Reports > Initiated Activity Input Forms > Desired Initiated Process > Enter data > Submit

  1. Navigate to Forms & Reports on the navigation bar.
  2. Select the desired Initiated Process under the Initiated Activity Input Forms section.
  3. Faculty enter the data.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Submit For Review button when finished.

5. Administrators Export to Vita

Navigation: Vitas & Biosketches > Vitas > desired Vita > Export > Select Workload sections created > Display Tabular > Select FTE AC within each section to show on vita

  1. Navigate to Vitas under the Vitas & Biosketches section of the navigation menu.
  2. Click the name of the desired Vita. 
  3. Select Shareable Link or PDF from the Export dropdown at the top of the page to export the vita.

Important Notes

  • The vita can handle more than one term in the calculations.
  • The total FTE on a vita tabular output is viewed at the end of the horizontal row.

Next Steps

Check out this article on how to Create an Activity Input Report for more information on how to run an activity input report.


Include Sections with AC on Legacy Vita 

1. Add a New Legacy Vita by Cloning

Navigation: Administration > Setup > Legacy Vitas > Add

It is a best practice to attach only one FTE AC per each form.

  1. Navigate to Setup under the Administration section of the navigation menu.
    Administration section with Setup highlighted
  2. Click Legacy Vitas under Configuration
  3. Click the Add button.
  4. Select the desired Unit and Template on the Add Configuration window that appears.
  5. Click Add when finished.
  6. Select the Add a new vita (by cloning) radio button as the Method and assign a Vita Label.
  7. Click Okay when finished.

2. Show FTE AC on desired sections

  1. Complete the General Information section and make sure to select Tabular as the Display type.
  2. Use the Reorder dropdowns in the Content section to show only those that include the desired FTE AC.
  3. Click the Edit (pencil) icon adjacent to each of the shown sections to display their Edit Vita Section page.
  4. Select the Show On Vita checkbox adjacent to FTE AC to be shown on the vita.
  5. Click Save when finished. The legacy vita will now display sections with the FTE AC as a column in the tabular output.



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