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Add a Vita to an External Evaluation Request

Unit Administrators, Case Managers, and Committee Managers working on a case can request External Evaluations of a candidate's work from scholars who are not part of the committee or are external to the institution. We allow users to attach supporting files that can be downloaded by the recipient when they accept an invitation to provide an evaluation. If an institution uses Interfolio Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR, Faculty180) along with Review, Promotion & Tenure (RPT), users can also add vitas from FAR to the request. The vita will then be available to the recipient along with any other materials included in the request. This article explains how to add a vita to an external evaluation request.


Please note that this feature is only available to users who use Interfolio FAR along with RPT.


Add Vita to External Evaluation Request

  1. Click Cases under Review, Promotion & Tenure (RPT) on the navigation menu.
    Review, Promotion & Tenure section with Cases highlighted
  2.  Click the Name of the desired case to edit.
  3.  Scroll down and click Request Evaluation in the External Evaluations section under Internal Sections.
    External Evaluations with Request Evaluation selected
  4.  Click Add Files under the Files section.
  5.  Locate the desired Vita, or filter the files by selecting Sections, then select the FAR Vita section. 
  6.  Click Save when finished.
  7.  Check the box to include the attachments to the Vita being shared.

    External Evaluators can access the vita in our document reader along with other supporting materials. 

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