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Bundle Candidate Documents to Send to External Evaluators

The goal of this article is to help individuals bundle together the packet files from a candidate's case to send to an External Evaluator. Since candidates upload required documents, those files already exist in a Review, Promotion, & Tenure (RPT) case (given that the candidate has uploaded files to their packet). All of the case files can be attached or particular files can be selected to send along with a request when requesting an external evaluation or when editing and resending an existing evaluation request. Following a recent update, this includes any candidate vita sections that may be attached to the case.


Bundle Candidate Documents

Navigation: Cases > Name > Request Evaluation

  1. Click Cases under Review, Promotion & Tenure (RPT) on the navigation menu.
    Review, Promotion & Tenure section with Cases highlighted
  2. Click the Name of the desired case to edit.
  3. Scroll down and click Request Evaluation in the External Evaluations section under Internal Sections. Fill out the form and Send Request.
    External Evaluations with Request Evaluation selected
    • Or, to edit and resend and existing request click the arrow next to External Evaluations and click the Edit button in the Actions column adjacent to the desired external evaluation. Click Edit & Resend Request.
  4. Fill out the information, attach files, and click Send when finished.

    The evaluator will receive an email with a request. If they accept the request, they will be taken to a page where they can download the files



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