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The Best Setup for Governance Committees

The most successful governance committees  (especially at large, complex, and decentralized institutions) comprise three parts: Steering Committee, Functional/Process/Operational Experts, and IT. This article will go over the best setup for governance committees.


Governance Committees

Committee Description Meeting Cadence Post-Go-Live
Steering Committee
  • Made up of academic and business leaders (Provost, Vice Provost, Dean, Vice Dean, etc.)
    • It should include representatives from each college/school.
  • Focused on the strategic direction and usage of Interfolio at the institution.
    • Expanding the use cases of current product(s)
      • Using RPT for Appointments, not just Promotion and Tenure
      • Bringing a new campus data source into Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR, Faculty180).
    • Expanding the contractual relationship with Interfolio (adding a module or service)
    • Providing top-down directives on the use of the product(s)
    • Removing roadblocks from adoption, usage, etc.

First 3-6 months

At least once per month to gauge success, make adjustments to communications, and review feedback.


6+ months

Quarterly; informed by the groups below.

Functional/Process/Operational Experts
  • One per college/school or other strategic groups (large departments, divisions, centers, etc.).
    • Can also include a similar role one level down at the department level.
  • Highly knowledgeable about the internal processes related to product usage (how is a search conducted, what documents are required/what is the workflow for promotion, what data is needed for annual reports, etc.).
  • Above-average knowledge of the Interfolio product(s) features.
    • Knows enough about functionality to marry internal processes with the features of a product or products.
  • Inform the steering committee about what is working, where there are challenges, and the types of changes they are looking to see in the future.
    • Collect feedback and coordinate an internal response and/or relay information to Interfolio (bugs, feature requests).
  • Front-line support for end-users within their area. Are not expected to be a complete expert, but know enough about both Interfolio and internal processes to assist with questions.

First 3-6 months

Together as their own group; bi-weekly.


6+ months

Together as their own group; Monthly.

IT/Technical Support
  • Charged with managing data that comes into or out of the FIS.
  • Can include SSO, data loading, and data export for the website.
  • Responsible for any issues with the above, and facilitating new data coming into the component(s).

First 3-6 months

Brought in as needed if there are any issues.


6+ months

Brought in as needed if there are any issues.

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