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Overview of Rank Types

Faculty appointments are classified into ranks and groups by title. These classifications have associated benefits, rights, and responsibilities that may or may not pertain to each category or classification. Standard academic ranks such as Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and more, may mean different things at different institutions and can be significantly altered or made more specific by the addition of modifiers such as Adjunct, Emeritus, Research, Senior, and others. When adding ranks into Lifecycle Management (LM), they can be selected from a list of rank types and a rank name can be entered to account for such differences. This article explains the default list of standard rank types and the function of rank names.


Check out this article on how to Create and Define Ranks for more information.


About Ranks

List Description
Rank Types Rank types are selected from a dropdown list comprised of the most common ranks used by clients. Having a standard rank type, such as Associate Professor, allows the program search and reporting functions to be standardized.
Rank Names In addition to rank types, users can set the rank name. While the rank types are selected from a dropdown list, the rank name may be customized in a free text field. This gives users a way to classify ranks that are of the same type but have different benefits, rights, and responsibilities. By adding a rank name, and filling out the other fields on the Create Rank page, there can be multiple ranks with the same rank type but with significantly different qualifications, benefits, workload, and events in the timeline of reviews for the rank.
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