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Add an Exception Event for Faculty

Faculty members may have unique circumstances that require exceptions during their journey. Lifecycle Management (LM) allows for these exceptions to be made for an individual without impacting others of the same rank or on similar career paths. When added to the program, a faculty member follows a predefined schedule of ranks and events based on their appointment, rank, and year. However, events can be modified for one user without affecting others. Common examples include:

  • Adjusting timelines due to leave or when a faculty member is hired outside the standard rank.
  • Use an Accelerated Exception Event to shorten the timeline for a faculty member, such as when they’re hired with prior credit towards their probationary period.

Add an Exception Event

  1. Navigate to the Faculty page and click the name of the desired faculty member to navigate to their faculty information page.
    Faculty Information page with Timeline Options dropdown open and Add Exception Even Selected under Add Eventin Professional Journey section
  2. Select Timeline Options > Add Exception Event to navigate to the Add Exception Event page where you will fill out the form.
    Add Exception Event form

    Accelerated Exception Event

    An accelerated exception event allows the timeline for an individual faculty member to be shortened, making it especially useful for faculty members hired with years of credit toward their probationary period. By incorporating an accelerated exception event into the faculty member's timeline, their progress toward their tenure review year can be expedited.


    Note that the information below cannot be edited after adding the exception event. If further changes need to be made after creating the exception event, a new event will need to be created or each event will have to be edited individually.
    Do you wish to change the timeline? and How do you want to change the timeline? fields

  3. Click Preview Impacted Events to view a list of all events affected by the exception. On the right side of the page, you'll find a list displaying both the current and new dates for each event.
  4. Scroll to the bottom and click Save when finished.
    • Start/End Dates: The start date of the exception event must occur before any events affected by the timeline adjustment. Additionally, the end date of the exception event must precede the start date of any existing events.
    • Do you want to change the timeline:  Ensure ‘Yes’ is selected and then select ‘Accelerate Timeline’ from the ‘Type of Change’ dropdown.
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