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Use Account Access to Emulate a Faculty Account

Faculty Members can grant emulation rights to support accounts to update their activities and complete initiated input forms on their behalf. This article explains how support accounts can emulate a faculty member's account that they've been granted access to. 

  1. Navigate to the Account Access page to grant emulation access or emulate users who have granted you access. Select the desired user under Accounts I Can Access to emulate the user.
  2. Click Okay on the pop-up window to emulate the user.
  3. You are now emulating the user (as indicated by the red banner that appears at the top of the page. To exit the emulation and return to your account, click Exit Emulation on the red banner.


Do you need Full Admin Rights at another unit to have access rights to an account there?

No, access rights to another account allow you to proxy any account at the institution. However, this emulation is available under Account Access (rather than Administration > Emulate User) and is limited to certain parts of the account (e.g., Profile/Activities/Vitas).



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