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Interfolio Data Service Release Notes: 2024.10.23

Users can now make activity classifications when accepting recommendations in IDS

We've improved the experience of reviewing and accepting recommendations in IDS to allow Faculty Administrators to accept a more complete set of data, including activity classification information.  

Activity classifications are questions asked by an institution on an activity record to collect supplemental information such as Committee Role, Book Type, or Scholarly Type. With this change, users can add activity classification information when accepting a record without having to separately enter the information in Faculty Activity Reporting. We also pre-populate the data of the activity classification when possible.

New process of reviewing and accepting records

To achieve this, we've created a new stepped experience when reviewing recommended records. Clicking on a record presented by IDS opens a dialog with the following new steps: 

  • Step 1: Record information 
    • Displays the current bibliometrics data for the Recommendation and Coauthor.
    • Along with Cancel or Delete buttons, there is now a Next button to direct the user to the next step. 
  • Step 2: Activity Classifications 
    • Includes the activity classifications as it will appear in Faculty Activity Reporting.
    • This step includes buttons to Accept Activity, Cancel or Delete.

Step 2: Activity Classifications with new Accept Activity, Cancel and Delete buttons and some pre-populated data.

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